blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Habilian Association Website

MKO leaders to pay off UN staff

Rajavi’s interpreter, who has recently escaped Camp liberty (Temporary Transit Location), speaks of new dimensions of the Mujahedin Khalq’s activities including bribing the employees of the UN High Commission of Refugees.

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Tragedy of 7 Tir

On 28th June 1981 (7 Tir, 1360), MKO blew up the head office of the Islamic Republic Party with bombs which resulted in the death of Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti, Chief of Justice, four cabinet ministers (Health, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy ministers), twenty-seven members of the Majlis (Iranian Parliament), and several other government officials.

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Iraq unanimously resolved to expel MKO

A senior Iraqi lawmaker says the MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI being supported by a number of al-Iraqiya bloc members is not so important to be discussed in the Parliament of Iraq, as the national consensus is to expel Mujahedin-e Khalq group from Iraq…Hamoudi went on to say that the terrorist group has “spilt the blood of many Iraqi people, and violated the Iraq’s sovereignty..

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MKO looted Iraqi munitions, lands after fall of Saddam

Having Saddam’s government as his supporter, Rajavi gathered troops in Iraq and in neighboring Iran by forging travel documents and making fake passports with huge sums of money given by Saddam Hussein to help him overthrow Iran and make himself the full owner of Iran’s soil. For instance, I and my husband have been transferred to Iraq by a fake Iraqi passport..

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MKO supporters stage terror attacks in Iraq

Nouri al-Maliki’s advisor says that three MPs from al-Iraqiya bloc are charged with planning last Wednesday’s terrorist attack in Iraq…MKO enjoys widespread support among al-Iraqiya bloc. In a report published last Tuesday, informed sources close to Nouri al-Maliki said that the Prime Minister of Iraq holds documents which reveal…

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MEK terrorists on SDN list for 9 consecutive years

For 9 consecutive years, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) terrorist group has been on the Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN). Following the publication of the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) by U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on June 12 …

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Camp Ashraf a repository of MEK crimes

Habilian Foundation S.G. states that the reason behind the interruption of relocation process of MEK members to Camp Liberty[TTL] is that they are trying to extinguish their terrorist crimes being held at Camp Ashraf…the notorious Camp Ashraf is a repository of (MEK) crimes and Munafeqin (Hypocrites, as MEK members are called in Iran) ringleaders are trying to destroy them in order to prevent their crimes from transpiring.

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Watch out for MEK’s movements in Syria

“With regard to the black record of the terrorist group and their being frequently utilized for assassinations and massacres by former Iraq’s dictator, US and Israeli intelligence agencies, it is not inevitable that the group perpetrate terrorist acts on Syrian soil,” said Mohammad Javad Hasheminejad..

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Iraqi ex-Minister urges execution of arrest warrants for MKO criminals

The senior member of Iraq’s National Alliance pointed to the West’s obstructionism in the MKO expulsion from Iraq, and said, “Both Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Human Rights have repeatedly proposed the expulsion of the Organization. “In fact, we wanted the expulsion of the group from the very beginning, and we have conducted negotiations with Western organizations, but they were opposed to it.”

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