blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Habilian Association Website

No ties between Iraqi Kurdistan, MEK

A leading member of the Kurdistan Coalition in the Iraqi Parliament on Monday denounced allegations by some Iraqi authorities of the Kurdish officials having contact with the Mujahedin-e Khalq, calling Kurds as “the major victim of MKO’s presence in Iraq.”

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40 MKO members have evacuated Iraq

40 members of terrorist Mujahedin e-Khalq organization who had been moved to Camp Liberty have evacuated Iraq through Baghdad airport heading to other countries.Udai al-Khadran, governor of Iraqi Khalis town, said in an interview: “A high ranking MKO commander who has just defected from the group, has revealed that many MKO members are demanding to leave Iraq and go to other countries including Iran.

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Rajavi’s senior translator defects from MEK, makes revelation

Working as a senior translator for Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorist group, he was translating the group’s publications, announcements, letters, statements, and their website into Arabic…Ghorban Ali Hosseini then made reference to MKO’s creating schism and fueling the ethnic and religious divisions in Iraq, escalation of conflicts between..

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MKO tries to set up a new garrison in Iraq

Discussing the current degrading conditions of the terrorist group after their relocation from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty, Habilian Foundation Secretary-General Mohammad Javad Hasheminejad told YJC that the conditions at Camp Liberty are not similar to the ones at the notorious Camp Ashraf, since it restricted the activities of its members like a fence and there they were working in an organizational manner.

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No upright Iraqi group supports MKO terrorists

A member of Iraq’s Supreme Islamic Council said that Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) supporters are “as corrupt as the terrorist group itself”…We are calling for compensation and cost of using the land which belonged to the Iraqis, though have been taken to MKO due to the Saddam’s policies,” …al-Tarfi went on to say that presence of the group in the country was political and Saddam’s security forces had utilized it to murder people.

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WAIS member: MEK always remain a tool for terrorism

Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, member of the World Association of International Studies, told Habilian on Tuesday that undoubtedly “the cult (Mujahedin-e Khalq) will always remain a tool for terrorism.”She went on to say, “The one thing the Empire (the U.S.) and its boss, Israel, does not want, is stability”, since “a stable country can be unified against outside enemies.”..“The MEK have proven themselves as ruthless killers be it in Iraq, Iran, or elsewhere.”

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MKO runs advert for equipment at Camp Ashraf

MKO aka PMOI/MEK ran a newspaper ad in Thursday’s edition of Al-Mashriq, a Baghdad daily, for the equipment at Camp Ashraf most of which they have received from Saddam in exchange for their services. The display ad contains a list of equipment such as engineering tools, heating and cooling systems of large rooms..An email address is also given for those who are willing to purchase the items …

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MKO’s meddling in Iraq’s internal affairs reversed my stand

a senior member of al-Iraqiya bloc and former MKO/MEK/PMOI supporter described the group members’ presence in Iraq as “irritating” and called on the government to expel them from Iraq…Although, on several occasions, al-Saadi has spoken in favor of MKO terrorists, he censured some pro-MKO media for fabricating statements and falsely attributing those statements to him, adding, “I have not spoken in favor of the group for a long time.”

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