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Another MKO member escapes the cult

Last week and in the process of MKO/MEK/PMOI members’ expulsion from Camp Ashraf, one of the captives of the cult managed to escape and announced his separation from the cult..even though Rajavi has selected 397 most adherents of the Ashraf residents for the first stage of their expulsion from Iraq, one of the captives of the terrorist cult whose 10 best years of his life were ruined in the cult managed to became estranged from the terrorist organization.

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500 other MKO members to be expelled outside Ashraf

Five hundred other members of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, also MKO and PMOI) are going to be expelled outside Camp Ashraf over the coming days…recent developments surrounding the expulsion of the cult members suggests that in addition to the imminent expulsion of these members, more than 1600 Ashraf residents are willing to voluntarily return to Iran.The report also indicates that Iraq has issued arrest warrant for some 70 MKO members

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Prof.Foote: American gov’t to continue using MKO against Iran

MEK is now hue and crying over not being allowed to carry their medicine, medical instruments, power generators, office facilities.. to the Temporary Transit Location! “These resources were provided for terrorist services rendered by supporters in Iraq (Saddam Hussein), Saudi Arabia, America, and elsewhere,” Sheldon said regarding the issue…Referring to the MEK member arrested in Thailand, Paul Sheldon Foote underlined that it is ..

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MKO preventing release of its crimes on media

Daniel Da Cruz serving as the Deputy Permanent Representative of Luxemburg to the United Nations Office at Geneva told Habilian that Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, also MKO, PMOI) infiltrated into the media committed to magnifying and engaging in (propagating) the goals of the group.“It is astonishing to see some European parliamentarians support the Mujahedin-e Khalq…

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Prof. Foote: MKO promoting hatred of Iran

He pointed out that Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI is a useful tool for the Israelis “by promoting hatred of Iran, by telling lies about Iran, and by conducting terrorist operations in Iran.”“Israel can always deny any knowledge of or support for these activities,” he continued…Sheldon Foote said, “Most Americans do not even have passports. They have not visited Iran. It is easy for the MKO to lie about supporting democracy.”

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MKO has no right to remain in Iraq, says Iraqi ex-minister

Former Iraq’s minister for tribal affairs pointed out that MKO aka MEK/PMOI is a terrorist group and it is on the list of state sponsors of terrorism, adding that they have no right to remain in Iraq “since the country’s (Iraqi) constitution prohibits presence of terrorist groups on its soil.”..Former Iraq’s minister for tribal affairs pointed out that MKO is a terrorist group and it is listed as a terrorist organization internationally, adding that..

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Qatar not MKO’s next destination

Ahmed al-Shikaki emphasized on Saturday that his government adheres to the good-neighborliness with neighboring countries and emphasized that “Qatar is not MKO’s next Ahmed al-Shikaki, political researcher at the Study and Research Center for the Arab and Mediterranean World destination.”..he emphasized on Saturday that his government adheres to the good-neighborliness with neighboring countries and emphasized that “Qatar is not MKO’s next destination.”

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Possibility of US-MKO joint ops against Iraqi nation

Al-Sari expressed his worry about plans of US and MKO/MEK/PMOI to weaken (Iraq’s national) security and increase tensions in Diyala, Baghdad, and other cities, adding that the reason for his concerns is the common interests between the two sides as well as ongoing US supports for the group (Mujahedin-e Khalq), which its inhumane crimes have been proven.

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US presidential candidates, MKO terrorists; any link

The editorial director of also pointed out that Mujahedin-e Khalq /MKO/MEK/PMOI enjoys”widespread support on Capitol Hill”and stated that”this is the only terrorist group I know of that is allowed to maintain an unofficial embassy in Washington through various front groups”.He raised a question that”could it have something to do with the large amounts of cash the MEK front groups in Washington are throwing around?”concluding that some of these supporters are somehow motivated to take part…

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Iraqi Judge:No legal documents for MKO stay in Iraq

The judge noted that US presence in Iraq affected the MKO presence in Iraq, and emphasized that “now that the United States has left Iraq, the issue is under the control of the Iraqi government, and members of the group enjoy no legal coverage in Iraq.”Meanwhile, member of Iraqi parliament, Al-Tamimi said, “those who support the group (MKO/MEK) turn a blind eye to the families of martyrs and victims”…

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