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Ex-CIA chief reveals US officials support for MKO

Former CIA counter-terrorism chief and 27 year CIA veteran, Vincent Cannistraro, says MEK is a terrorist group truly taking advantage of US officials support.Referring to Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorists enjoying widespread support within the United States Vincent Cannistraro told Habilian in a recent interview, “I agree that the MEK is a cult that interestingly is a terrorist group supported by neo-conservatives and others.”

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MKO status from the perspective of International Law

if the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) duly interviews the members of the MKO in the camp one by one, should consider this classification.Secondly, Iranian government claims to have documents and evidences revealing that some of the MKO members in Camp New Iraq are being prosecuted for non-political crimes. As mentioned in the very beginning of the article, such individuals do not have the right to enjoy refugee..

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MKO has ruined my life

..I was wrong for more than two decades and I was deceived by Rajavi’s mottos; when I found out his deceptive and manipulative nature I found myself stuck in a hell with no way back.”“My youth, spirit, feelings, family, freedom, soil and even my humanity have been sacrificed for MKO/MEK/PMOI and their interests,” he stated.

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Prisoners of Camp Ashraf

The Rajavis, meanwhile, have left the residents to the camp. Maryam resides comfortably in Paris, and Massoud is in hiding. What reason, then, for the continued existence of Camp Ashraf? Why do the Rajavis hang onto their followers in their prison-like enclave, even with the deadline fast approaching? They understand well that without the camp, the MEK aka MKO/PMOI would lose its legitimacy, and so, therefore, would the Rajavis.

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Arrested spy in Lebanon: MKO is spying for Israel

Judge:”This number is from Belgium and belongs to Mussed, what is your explanation of this?” Mohammad Ali Husseini:”I am in touch with Mohammad Alizade, one of the MKO officials, but it was not proven to me that the number belonged to Mussed. Judge:”You were also contacted by a number from England in 2008 which belongs to Mussed.” Mohammad Ali Husseini:”This number belongs to the MKO.

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MKO reaches the end of the road

Shiites, Iraqi Kurds, and a great number of Sunnis are against remaining MKO aka MEK/PMOI in Iraq; besides, political parties in Iraq such as Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, Sadrist Movement, Islamic Dawa Party, and Kurdistan Democratic Party all emphasize expulsion of MKO terrorists from Iraq… The Iraqi government’s stand on this issue is expulsion of MKO members and evacuation of Camp Ashraf by year end.

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Iraqi MP: MKO will be expelled by year end

The anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI will be expelled from Iraq by the end the year, Iraqi lawmaker said.Uday Awwad, the Sadrist Iraqi MP, insisted that Iraqis “will witness the MKO expelled from the country this year”..As well as assassinating more than 12,000 Iranians, the MKO is responsible for over 25,000 Iraqi lives..Contrary to the US will, Iraqi officials want to expel the terrorist cult.

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MKO crimes shocks the cult’s European supporters

Referring to the MKO aka MEK/PMOI European supporters’ lack of knowledge over the cult’s long history of violence and terror, Adnan Siraj said in a meeting with Secretary General of Habilian Association: “when I talked to a group of Swedish politicians about the crimes MKO committed, they expressed great surprise and admitted that they knew nothing of the MKO bloody history of crimes.

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US State Department: MKO Still Terrorist Group

The US still labels the anti-Iran Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) as a terrorist group, says U.S. State Department Persian spokesman Alan Eyre.When asked whether the United States considers MKO aka MEK/PMOI a viable opposition group, he said: “No. The U.S. considers the Mujahedin-e Khalq a terrorist organization. That’s it.”

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