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Iraq Army‘s practical act in expelling MKO from the country

After the Iraqi criminal court ruling for the dismissal of Mujahedin –e khalq organization (a.k.a MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCRI, NLA, Rajavis’ cult…) from Iraq and repeated warnings of the Iraqi government asking the terror cell to leave Iraq and the group’s inattention, Eventually the Iraq army practically acted in expelling MKO from the country. Clashes erupted as the Iraqi Army was setting up a security checkpoint in a cemetery inside the camp, when Mujahedin-e Khalq clashed with the Iraqi Army using batons and stones. 13 Iraqi soldiers were injured during the clashes

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Wahhabism propagates for MKO terrorism

Blatantly declaring support for the notorious MKO terrorist group, the extremist and Wahhabi TV channel of “Vesal “obviously propagates for the terror cell…the excommunicative channel of Vesal has recently posted an article on its twitter web page in support for the Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorist cult, in which it has brought the terror group’s web address. Surprisingly the extremist Wahhabis kept their fingers crossed for MKO

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Mojahedin Khalq terrorist operations using American vehicles

… Sheikh Ibrahim Abdullah Al- jabouri also added: “nobody dares to make any obstacles on the way of American vehicles’ arrival at camp Ashraf and they easily enter the camp without being questioned. Then they would take MKO members out of the camp for terrorist operation and then would carry them back to the camp when they are finished… He said:”We have devoted numerous martyrs in the way of defending our country; but we would do our best to expel terrorist groups, Mujahedin-e Khalq in particular, from our country and …

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Recent Human Rights Violation in the Mujahedin – Part1

Statement of Massoud Tayebi, the dissociated Vice President of the Army Staff Headquarters and a member of the Central Council of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (aka MKO, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi’s cult, MEK)..I realized how cruel and unfair the Mujahedin really are by holding such trial. This made me think and, after 23 years of serving this Organization, I decided to disassociate myself from the Mujahedin. I hold it necessary to notify others of my disassociation with the Mujahedin

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Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani – Part3

You can never ask about two things in MKO. Money and Massoud Rajavi….Ashraf is a symbol in the Rajavi’s cult..The psychological atmosphere ruling Ashraf has been created in a way that you never let such questions cross your mind…. MKO has based its activities on protection of this symbol, but the proper symbol links them to their terrorist background which was justified by”armed struggle”. After the disarmament of MKO and gradual defection of forces Ashraf symbol, turned into an abandoned prison

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Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani – Part2

If they are really sure that all members have been melted in Maryam’s revolution, why are they so worried about any mistake made by members and they try to keep them under their control?In Ashraf there are various security units such as street patrolling, regional protection, road security, gates security, Ashraf security,… if they claim that members have been unified with Maryam’s revolution, why these too many bars?

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Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani– Part1

now that I am in Iran, if you ask me how I feel, I tell you that I have one precious thing here; freedom. Here, my mind, my sole, my emotions, my feelings, my life are free. I am free to choose what to eat, what to wear, where to go. You are totally free in your life and that’s what you can never imagine in Camp Ashraf where everything begins and ends in the leader and his will.

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U.S. Intelligence Community: MEK trained females for suicide attacks

… “the MEK trained females at Camp Ashraf in Iraq to perform suicide attacks in Karbala”; “the MEK solicits money under the false pretext of humanitarian aid to the Iranian population”; “an August 2008 U.S. Intelligence Community Terrorist Threat Assessment, clearly states that the MEK retains a limited capability to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism”; “[t]he MEK publicly renounced violence in 2001, but …

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The MEK remained in US terror list

Despite all the vast propaganda campaign and pulling any lobbying string, while leaving no stone unturned, for taking the name of MEK/MKO/PMOI out of the US State Department terror list, once again this terrorist group was designated as a foreign terrorist organization.In a new report by the US Department of State office of the coordination for counterterrorism which was released on August 5, 2010, Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization was referred to as a terrorist organization…

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Anniversary of crushing defeat of Mojahedin Khalq

… London Kayhan, an opposition News paper in London in an article from a reader wrote; I watched the BBC news, I am so angry, my message is this that we should not keep quiet in dealing with traitors like MKOs, and MKO in collaboration with Iraqis invaded our country. We are sitting and watching …

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