blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Habilian Association Website

MKO forges Lebanese girl photo

The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), an anti-Iran terrorist group, forged a photo, relating it to Tehran’s Ashura unrests.The MKO’s official website put a photo of a Lebanese girl with her head bleeding, claiming she had been injured in the midst of Tehran’s Ashura unrests on last Sunday, Habilian Association (families of terror victims) news website reported.

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Iraq’s decision to expel MKO backed by international law

Iraq’s Media Development Centre held a conference in Baghdad on the government’s decision to expel the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) terrorist group. A number of Iraqi popular as well as media figures attended the conference, held in Baghdad Al-Mansour Hotel, to express their views on the issue, Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website quoted Iraq’s Media Development Centre as reporting.

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MKO attacks reporters prior to covering Ashraf relocate

… Upon a call from the Iraqi government, the reporters were going to go to Camp Ashraf to cover the MKO’s relocate to Baghdad. The blast at least wounded a reporter who was waiting with colleagues at Baghdad’s Green Zone to move to the camp. Another car bomb was blasted in a car park opposite to the Iranian embassy in Baghdad …

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Camp Ashraf to get “terrorist-free” on Tuesday

Camp Ashraf, the home to more than 3000 anti-Iran terrorists, will be removed from the members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) this Tuesday, Iraq said.The Iraqi government called all the media to be in Camp Ashraf on Tuesday, December 15, for a live coverage of the MKO/MEK/PMOI removal from the camp in North Baghdad, Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) quoted Al-Wasat news website as reporting.

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“Iran victim of terrorism” in Tafresh University

Habilian Association (Iranian terror victims’ families) held an exhibition in Tafresh University under the title of “Iran; victim of terrorism”… keeping on its active presence in the universities throughout the country, this time Habilian Association held an exhibition about the crimes MKO/MEK/PMOI has so far committed and their enmity with Iranian nation for the illumination of the young generation especially university students and academics in Tafresh.

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“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”in Tehran Polytechnic University

“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”exhibition was held by Habilain Association (families of Iranian terror victims) in Amir Kabir University of Technology (formerly known as Tehran Polytechnic University).In order to introduce the crimes and terror efforts of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) to the Iranian young generation, full documents on the MKO’s crimes both in Iran and Iraq were on show at the exhibition..It aroused an increasing sense of hatred of the cult among the visitors who came to know many people assassinated by the MKO were civilians.

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Iraq’s Kurd elite meet Habilian SG

In a meeting with the secretary general of Habilian Association (families of 16000 Iranian terror victims), a group of Iraq’s Kurdistan elite insisted on developing cooperation to counter the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO)..”The MKO/MEK/PMOI is a terrorist organization and as representatives of Iraq’s Kurds, we are against its terror efforts and want them to be prevented,”said Ali Ahmad Ali, an Iraqi lawyer attending the meeting.

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Iran: victim of terrorism in Tabriz University

Habilian Association (Families of terror victims in Iran) held an exhibition in Tabriz University about MKO/MEK/PMOI long history of violence and crime under the title of”Iran; victim of terrorism”…new documents disclosing the MKO atrocities and crimes in Iran and abroad were brought to the eyes of the students and intellectuals.

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“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”in Mashhad

“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”exhibition was held by Habilian Association (families of 16000 Iranian terror victims) in Mashhad, north east of Iran. Highly welcomed by the visitors,..Documents on scandals of MKO leaders, forced divorces and violating women rights within the MKO, the cult’s tricks to attract Iranian youth, MKO’s vast assassination attempts ..were on show..I suggest you to hold this in schools so that crimes of the MKO will be revealed to the Iranian young generation.

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“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”in Pakdasht

“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”exhibition was held by Habilian Association (families of 16000 Iranian terror victims) in Pakdasht, 25 km southeast of Tehran. Highly welcomed by the visitors, the exhibition was held in order for various groups of people to become familiar with the background and crimes of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI)…It’s very funny for me that despite of all their treason against Iranian nation, the MKO still claims to love and be benevolent to Iranian nation.

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