blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Habilian Association Website

The “wolves” documentary released

According to the database of Habilian Association (terror victims’ family) the “wolves” documentary (Subject) is the story of members of MKO terrorist cult who moved to Iraq in the very early days of Iraq’s imposed war to Iran and became a part of Saddam’s war machine against Iran and fought against their own people as a part of Saddam’s army.

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MKO’s Outlook on Democracy and Government

The methodology and worldview of MKO as well as the picture Rajavi depicts of the world is fundamentally in conflict with the principles of civility and its components like reason, rationale, interaction, forum and relativism in thought. In fact, he considers the truth as an absolute concept monopolized in the ideology of his organization. In other words, truth for Mojahedin is not a relative concept but a kind of dogmatic notion that has its roots in empirical sciences and ideology.

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MKO financial assistance to a Ba’athi TV network

Where is this huge amount of funding come from?..An Iraqi news site announced that MKO has allocated 18 thousand dollars to a television network belonging to one of the members of the Iraqi Ba’ath Party Salih al-Mutlaq ..quoting from the Iraqi news site of Aljewar MKO/PMOI/MEK asked the authorities in Al babeliyah Television network, via providing them with financial helps, to intensify their propaganda against the Iran.

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MKO footsteps in the recent chaos

Recent information obtained from Paris, London and the UAE reveal that MKO has come under the full mercenary of CIA by providing mental and human resources as well as intelligence help to America’s Central Intelligence Agency so as to play a major joint role in the production of chaos and insecurity inside Iran.

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MKO main supporter in Iraq fled the country

Sources close to his daughter Asma al-Dulaimi who is also a member of parliament told her that her father had pulled many strings in order to escape from being imprisoned after his immunity had been lifted; but his struggle were doomed to fail and he was left behind the closed doors, so he decided to run away from Iraq..Dulaimi is one of the most prominent defenders of the MKO terrorist cult and has defended it several times in his press and media.

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Terrorism breeds terrorism

In a telephone interview with the database of Habilian Association (terror victims’ family) president of Iraq’s press Association expressed Iraqi people’s unanimity for the annihilation of all terrorist groups, Mojahedin-e Khalq aka MKO,MEK,PMOI in particular, in their country.. Pointing to the intelligence cooperation of MKO and Jundollah recently confirmed by Jundollah gang leader, the Iraqi press activist also said: of course terrorism breeds terrorism ..

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MKO thirst for alliance with other terrorist groups

Terrorist groups such as People’s Mujahedeen and Jundollah follow the same approach and some western countries like United States and Britain are never expected to put a stop to the criminal activities of such groups because the sponsorship of terrorism would be carried out by the same two countries..Mujahedeen have lost their major supporter and now seek to postpone the closure of camp Ashraf at any rate and their cooperation with Jundollah is in an attempt to describe the situation crucial so as to draw a part of the attention of Iran and Iraq to other things

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Documents about the crimes of MKO in Iraq

“We have collected many documents about the crimes Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization has so far committed in Iraq; but Americans refrain from letting us find access to a part of documents over MKO crimes inside the country”announced chief investigative judge of the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court.. al-Bedeyri also said: We have managed to meet many remnant families of MKO suppression of Kurds in northern Iraq and have collected remarkable documents in this regard.

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Crimes of MKO in Iraq discussed

… Dr. Abdalzahra Mohye: many and Iraqi families have suffered from crimes committed by MKO. As the private army of Saddam Hussein, this little group assisted former regime to massacre Iraqi Kurds and suppress Shiites Intifada.I saw it with my own eyes how they killed innocent people in a mosque in Baghdad’s Sadr district…

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US should stop supporting Terrorists

in a meeting with Feisal Abdol Rauf, New York Friday prayer leader, Secretary General of Habilian Association disclosed new aspects of MKO crimes inside Iran as well as Iraq. Mr. Abdol Rauf who is a prominent Islamic leader in the West is also an Associate Professor of Islamic Studies at St. Joseph’s College’s Brooklyn Campus in Brooklyn, New York and founder of the Cordoba Initiative which aims to connect the Muslim world with the West. He has also founded American Society for Muslim advancement.

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