blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Habilian Association Website

MKO has huge medicine supplies

In last march Manouchehr Hezar Khani, a high-ranking member of MKO who lives in the Europe together with Maryam Rajavi and some other MKO members, published a book in which he referred to his recent visit to camp Ashraf.In a part of his book, hezar Khani referrers to Ashraf hospital and says:”Ashraf hospital is now the unique source for the treatment of patients within Ashraf city and fortunately,..According to the officials, the hospital is now able to treat all kinds of diseases , it was equipped by many sophisticated medical equipments and tools ..

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Consensus to end MKO presence in Iraq

Rashid al-Azzawi, deputy head of Iraqi political party of Tawafogh (Accordance Front), said that resolving the problem of the presence of the MKO and PKK in Iraq will ease tensions with Iran and Turkey. Al-Azzawi asked the Iraqi government to persuade Iran to issue an amnesty for the elements of the Iranian People’s Mujahedeen, or the issuance of passports over to them to choose another country.

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Tribal leaders of Southern Iraq visit Habilian

MKO has been for years at the heart of criminal acts against the people of Iraq. They have committed several acts of terrorism inside Iraq and have killed a large number of people in your country causing many human disasters in there. In Iran they have also assassinated over 12000 people including the Iranian president, prime minister, judiciary chief and several MPs by launching terrorist operations. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran they were forced by the people out of the country, so they resorted to Saddam Hussein and resumed their terrorist operations this time under Saddam’s service. Saddam would provide them with a sum of $50 million .

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MKO interference in Iraq election unbearable

Deputy Iraqi Interior Minister Gen. Hussein Kamal said the country would cut off the hands of the terrorist group of Mujahedin-e Khalq if it wants to intervene in the affairs of the Iraqi elections. General Hussein expressed his hope for the upcoming elections to be held in a safe heaven adding that his country will not allow the MKO/PMOI/MEK or any other terrorist group to interfere in electoral matters.

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UK Legislators Briefed On MKO Crimes

Hasheminejad who visited Britain to participate in the international conference on ‘Alternative Global Perspectives on Terrorism’ during his one-week stay in London met with representatives of the House of Commons and House of Lords and presented documents on some of the crimes committed by the banned group..Those who even knew a little about the MKO’s terror network were shocked when we presented documentation about murder of 12,000 people in Iran by the group and its terrorist activities in other countries, including Iraq.

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Iraqi tribes: MKO must be expelled from Iraq

In a new statement, Leaders of Iraqi tribes demanded senior Iraqi officials, including Iraqi President and Prime Minister to expel Terrorist groups especially MKO from Iraq’s soil. ..The statement stresses that the criminal terrorist group of MKO is one of the pawns of Saddam’s regime to suppress the Iraqi people move further adding to its crimes through intervention in Iraqi affairs and supporting terrorists, particularly in Diyali province and harboring criminals in the Ashraf camp

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Mojahedin Khalq responsible for all violence in Dyali

Staging a protest rally in front of Governor’s building, Hundreds of peoples of Khalis in Iraq called for the expulsion of MKO terrorists from their land. …the governor of Khalis asked the Iraqi security forces to deport MEK terrorists from Iraq as soon as possible. He called MEK a terrorist cult which is responsible for all the existing unrests and violence in Dyali…

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Falujah demanded the expulsion of Mojahedin Khalq

In a meeting with secretary general of Habilian Association(Representatives of 16000 terror victims in Iran), a group of Falujah political figures and newsmen as well as the heads of different Iraqi tribes called for the expulsion of Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group from their Country.

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Iraqis to stage rallies against the presence of Mojahedin

People of Khalis called for staging demonstrations against MKO/PMOI terrorists. According to FNA foreign policy correspondent after issuing several resolutions against MKO by Maliki administration on June 18, Sunni people in Khalis called, through different announcements, for all Iraqis Demonstration against MKO presence in Iraq.

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