blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Habilian Association Website

Habilian Exhibition in Interpol meeting

The two-day meeting draws together countries from the Central Asia region as well as from Africa, Asia and Europe and will review progress on the collaborative regional project amongst its 19 core countries. Specific issues under discussion include counter terrorism initiatives and operational cases, terrorism financing and the recruitment methods of terrorist groups.

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Members of Iraq’s Islamic supreme assembly visit Habilian Association

Our enemies have put their backs into growing disunion between us, especially during recent 30 years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Iran and Iraq have many things in common. All of us remember the era of Saddam in power during which the Baath party played the dividing role among different Iraqi peoples and groups and also applied its every means for the establishment of disunion and bloodshed between Iran and Iraq.

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Iraqi media visit Secretary General of Habilian Association

In this meeting, which was attended by different Iraqi newspapers executive editors and the correspondents of Almotamar, Alittehad, Alzaman, Aldorah, Alsabah as well as the correspondents of Iraqi TV channels Alaraqiah, Baghdad, Alforat and Iraq’s national [news] agency, Muhammad Javad Hasheminejad, along with highlighting the role of the media

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Iraqi sunnies visit secretary general of Habilian association

…Muzaffar Hussain Albokahi (member of Iraq’s national commission ): I would strongly approve your statements .Iraq is a holy land considering the holy shrines of number of Imams which are located in our country . Right now a human disaster is about to take place in Iraq and I ‘m afraid of the day it may affect all Iraqis and its main cause is occupation and the support the occupiers give to terrorists like mojahedin. Rajavi’s cult is up to set up discrepancies via committing terrorist operations as they did Shiaat and Kurdish regions …

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People of Kut (Iraq) Call For Expulsion of mojahedin

In the meeting, joined by Habilian’s executive secretary Mohamad Sanawi and some other members of the Association, representative of Kut tribesmen and people Sheikh Hajj Sa’d Abdulhosein stressed that mojahedin are the common enemy of Iranians and Iraqis.”More than Iranians, Iraqis suffered from this group and that’s why they call for the expulsion of the group.

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Iraqi Turkmen, Victims of Terrorist Monafeghin

“As they entered Iraq, Americans noted that they have never seen such unity between the two countries. Therefore, they occupied Iraq under the name of democracy while their end goal is to divide the two nations,”he added. “It is a crucial time for Iranians and Iraqis because the occupiers and terrorists try to divide them.

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Habilian Secretary General meets Iraqi Tribes leaders

“You called them Munafeqin correctly; our people also call them like this because of their betrayals and criminal backgrounds. This terrorist organization just can continue in critical conditions. They declared war against our nation in 26 years ago and killed many people in all positions. We have 16000 terror victims. We collected a statistics that Munafeqin has accepted it….

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Very Soon We Can See Munafeqin Expulsion

Mr. Mohammad Hamood, legal deputy of Iraq foreign minister, who had come to Mashhad in order to opening of Iraqi council, in a meeting with Mr. Seyed Javad Hasheminejad, secretary general, Mohammad Sanavi, executive director of Habilian association and numbers of martyrs children, was informed on Habilian activities against terrorist group and especially Munafeqin; and after that he also expressed some statements on Iraqi government’ attitudes

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Mojahedin Khalq Organisation should be tried in Iraq

Habilian association had a meeting with some Iraqi NGOs officials and talked about Iraq status and position of Mujahedin in there….“Munafeqin as Saddam’s mercenaries and murderer of Iran and Iraq’s children, would be expelled early and in this issue nation and all political group of Iraq have solidarity”said Mr.Sheikh Emadodin Tamimi …

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Iran, victim of terrorism and discrimination

For the first time in this exhibition, a list of 16000 victims was presented into divided and provincial parts with the name of place. Also some pictorial documents and evidence of terrorism case in Iran were shown in this exhibition and they were noticed perfectly by visitors and especially young people.

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