blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Iran Ghalam Association

Is the U.S. Administration hiding Massoud Rajavi?

Let us ask you of the whereabouts of MEK leader, Massoud Rajavi. Is he hiding under US Administration’s support? The information and evidence given by the MEK/MKO/PMOI defectors in recent years together with the views of analysts close to US administration suggest that by hiding and helping Massoud Rajavi in order to tame the MEK and utilize it as a tool; the US Government generates a terrible image of itself amongst the Iranian people …

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The only way-out of this crisis is the arrest of Rajavis!

You have done all your efforts for the captives in the notorious and infamous castle , Ashraf, but this terrorist cult even vis a vis you who are the highest official in the United Nations do the disobedience and the revolt. This is the second time in the past two weeks that you as Secretary General of the United Nations have demanded the people’s mujahedin organization to respect the Iraqi regulations ..

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Do not condone Mojahedin Khalq’s forced divorces

Recently , I found out that you had been invited by this organization [MKO/MEK/PMOI] for the annual gathering of this organization in Villepint. I listened to your speech in that gathering and I am terribly sorry that such organization is still trying its best to deceive the public-opinion and the prominent political-figures. This organization holds such gatherings and meetings through spending huge amount of money..

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MKO Cult against the women’s rights

I , Nasrin Ebrahimi , one of the former members of the people’s mujahedin organization with 10 years record of service..Do you know that a great number of women have forcibly taken out their wombs by the direct order of Rajavi ?Do you know that Massoud Rajavi has sexually raped a number of women who are the members of the pmoi leadership council?It is worth knowing that the majority of the members of this organization ,

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Maryam Rajavi, Leader of MKO Cult Is Lying

From 2003 to 2009 the Ashraf camp was under the supervision and control of the American army and they were helping them by giving medication, medical facilities and fuel and foodstuff, but none of those items mentioned above reached to the hands of the members of this cult . those items either were sold in the Iraq black market or was in monopolization of the cult leaders. ..

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Mojahedin Khalq have not stopped their terror campaign

Washington Post has mentioned in their article that “this cult has not carried out and launched any terrorist operation since 2001…….” we would like to emphasize that if they have not carried out any terrorist operation since 2001 is not because they are remorseful of the violence and violent deeds for indoctrination of their political views , it is because ..

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In the wake of delisting MKO terrorist group from the US list

In the catastrophic event of 9/11 , the pmoi leadership held a session . in that session all the participants were clapping their hands and enjoying themselves . the pmoi leader , Massoud Rajavi , analogized the USA to “a paper like tiger” and he said “ this is the fundamental Islam which create such an event , wait and see what a storm our revolutionary Islam will create and I can see a day clearly that we go after the demolishing of USA..

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Close the terrorists’ headquarter in Auvers sur Oise

ON 22 of June 2012, a number of the freedom lover Iranians who were the victims and critics of the Maryam Rajavi’s terrorist gang and were imprisoned inside the garrisons of this organization in Iraq for years .. had a demonstration and peaceful rally in Paris..suddenly and unbelievably were attacked and assaulted ..

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Open letter of Mr. Fatahiyan to the French Ministry of Justice

According to the internal political and organizational sessions which I participated , I heard from Mozugan Parsayee many times that if we lose our main base , Ashraf , we have still our headquarter in Auvers sur Oise and she added , for this reason Maryam Rajavi has gone and deployed there to influence the French society with her presence. ..

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Pay attention to the deceptive policies of MEK in France

According to the organizing of this ceremony in 30 Khordad ( 23 June) which is the anniversary of the beginning of the huge explosions and blind terrors in Iran , proves that the leaders of pmoi ,Massoud Rajavi as the leader of National Council of Resistance (NCR) and Maryam Ghajar Azdanlo as the third wife of Massoud Rajavi and forcible and imposed president of this council (NCR) in Paris , support the blind terrors ..

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