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Ashraf – when is a city not a city?

the MKO’s military camp is now under the control of the Iraqi government. American forces handed it over this week. In spite of a deeply insulting scaremongering campaign by the MKO/ PMOI, which claimed that the Iraqis would stage a ‘Srebrenica-style massacre’ if they got their (dirty, barbaric) hands on the MKO / PMOI, the handover to Iraqi military personnel has gone ahead, as planned, without incident. The Iraqi government will now work with MNF and international agencies to find a satisfactory solution to the illegal presence of foreign terrorists in its territory.

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MKO members free to choose a destination

No Iranians in need of protection should be sent to Iran against their will Amnesty International has written to both the Iraqi and US governments reminding them of their obligations under international law and urging them to continue to provide protection to people affiliated to and members of the People’s Mojahedeen Organization of Iran ( PMOI ), an Iranian opposition group based in Iraq.

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Iraqi Stances toward Mujahdein and Camp Ashraf

…Ali Al-Dabbagh said the arrest warrants were issued because of the interference of MEK leaders in Iraqi affairs and also threatening Iraqi officials by phone….Emphasizing the fact that terrorist MKO’s presence in Iraq is unacceptable, the head of Iraq Unity Coalition said that the Mujahedin group’s activities in Iraq are illegal….Friday prayer leader of Najaf in Iraq, pointed to the cooperation of terrorist MEK with Saddam’s security and intelligence services and in suppressing Iraqi people’s uprising …

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London should now take its soldiers out of our country

Commenting on the de-proscribtion of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation by Britain, an Iraqi member of parliament emphasised that Iraq has never been more adamant to get rid of the remains of Saddam’s terrorists. Now that the British govenment has acceped that they are not terrorists, they should take them back home immediately

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Iran-Interlink welcomes UK de-proscription of Mujahedin

… Massoud Khodabandeh commented: “In this respect de-proscription of the MKO in the U.K. will enable Britain to fulfil its obligations to the members of this group who have been engaged in engineering the violent overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in close alliance with western interests, for nearly three decades. We cannot expect Iran or Iraq to offer succour to people who have committed acts of violence against the people of those countries. It is clearly the responsibility of the MKO’s western backers to now rescue them.” …

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NGO should facilitate safe MKO exit from Iraq

In December last year the American Military Police began to remove the remaining individuals from TIPF, driving them in small groups to nearby residential locations to make their own way. …a NGO be established under the patronage of personalities and human rights charities in Europe and the Iraqi Human Rights Ministry…

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Camp Ashraf – Mojahedin Khalq corralled by US Army in Iraq now killing own members

Since May 2003, up to 3,800 Iranian terrorist MKO combatants have been ostensibly disarmed and confined to Camp Ashraf by US Military Police, aided by a Bulgarian unit. In this time a Temporary International Presence Facility (TIPF) was also established alongside Camp Ashraf to house those who wanted to leave the MKO. Around 800 have since been processed through the TIPF, of whom around 500 have successfully accepted voluntary repatriation to Iran with the help of the ICRC …

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