
News Censored by Rajavi’s Gang

Immediately after the Islamic revolution (in 1979), MKO leaders pretended to be boycotting governmental press in order to block their members’ and supporters’ access to free media. This kind of censorship was expanded in the following years and took a different shape when the MKO members were restricted to Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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The Failure of and Underhanded Move

On the other hand, Mr. Ahmed Bokhari, Director of UNHCR’s Middle East Affairs, announced that the members of MKO can get refugee status (in Iraq or another country) under three conditions:
1. Cutting ties with the Mojahedin-e Khalq organization

2. Denouncing terrorist activities (in the past)

3. Giving pledge not to return to terrorism again

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Funny Figures!

Once someone said:”I wonder why all MKO female members arrested by the regime are pregnant and have to abort?”This is because the lie has been repeated by the MKO. This has even been said about unmarried girls!Everyone in Evin prison knows well that Mojgan Homayoonfar lost her leg in a car accident, but the gang of Rajavi used this in the UN to prove that there was torture in the Iranian prisons!

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Failure of Warmongers in Using the MKO

Warmongers discussed the issue of MKO with different parties and individuals in Iraq but there was no sign of cooperation with this group and the plans of Pentagon. Warmongers realized how hateful this group is. After this, they gave guidelines to the remnants of Rajavi to collect signatures and build fake parties as their supporters in Iraq in order to find a way out of crisis.

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Rajavi cult – Displaced and Hated

When France expelled Rajavi in 1986- because an international arrest warrant had been issued for him, no European country accepted to give shelter to him. Countries he had planned to go to announced that he would be arrested in the case of entering their soil.

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MKO Frightened by Maliki’s Visit to Iran

Remnants of Rajavi’s gang, frightened by the trip of Iraqi PM Mr. Nuri al-Maliki to Iran, released a statement and quoted what the US commanders had said, in order to boost the morale of their desperate members in Camp Ashraf who commit suicide to get rid of the current situation.

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Saddam Paid MKO’s Costs

“Saddam’s regime allocated 50% of its budget to propaganda and had ties with many Arab and non-Arab terrorist groups; for instance, it had established close ties with the MKO (Mojahedin-e Khalq organization) and in return, took advantage of this group. There’s no doubt that Saddam’s propaganda had a huge impact on many countries including Arab nations, particularly those countries with higher rates of illiteracy and poverty (such as Mauritania, Yemen, and Somalia).”

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Strategic Chance Turns to Historical Disappointment

…in addition to the lack of popular support, they hoped the talks between Europe and Iran would fail and Zionist warmongers would emerge as winners.
Therefore, they resorted to propaganda against Iran’s nuclear programs and tried to convince the public opinion that it’s for military purposes; by this, they wanted to pave the way for sanctions against Iran…

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