
Rajavi’s Gang Expresses Support for Israel Crimes

In a hurried and desperate move, notorious gang of Rajavi linked the Israel’s aggression against Palestine and Lebanon to the recent decision of the west to return Iran’s nuclear case to the UN Security Council, while the preplanned aggression of Israelis started more than 20 days ago.

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Iraq Occupation, Vital for MKO

“Following the comments of Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani on the expulsion of terrorist MKO from Iraq, this organization initiated its propagandistic efforts and by misinterpreting the comments of Mr. Mashhadani and other Iraqi officials claimed that these are diplomatic rhetoric (between Iran and Iraq). In this regard, MKO resorted …

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Rajavi’s Gang, Israeli Crimes’ Ally

Let’s imagine that the members and supporters of MKO are free enough to ask questions from MKO officials (that is totally impossible); only this and nothing more. Then, the question is: why the MKO doesn’t take position against the crimes of Israel?

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‘The Association of Criminals’

The judge in France, who is prosecuting Rajavi’s gang for illegal and criminal charges, has rightly called this group”The Association of Criminals”.
This, above all, shows the depth of the judge’s recognition of the nature and behavior of the MKO.
Abulghassem Rezaee, one of 17 members of this association, has given some explanation about the recent decision of the appeals court (to lift some restrictions on MKO), which itself displays the critical situation of MKO in France.

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CIA Controls the Cult

detaining its members, and signing agreement with each and every one of Camp Ashraf residents (under the name of Geneva Convention) are of measures taken by the US to counter the pressures of Iraqi government to expel the group from Iraq

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MKO and Dyala province security issues

One of the advantages of this province is that it houses Baath forces and pro-Saddam tribes who also work as a protective circle around MKO.
This advantage has been maintained and that’s why terrorists’ headquarters, and even the shelter of Zarqawi, is located in this province.

Hebheb region, where Zarqawi lived, is one of Baqubah districts next to Camp Ashraf. MKO was in touch with this region, and kept the contact even after the fall of Saddam Hussein.

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What is the Third Option?

The reason for posting such a question is that there are many doubts and questions on this issue, which has been proposed as a part of MKO’s propagandistic activities. These questions come from people who are very close to the MKO but they don’t know what they are supporting!

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This Small Gang of New York!

Mojahedin-e khalq held a rally in New York but the number of the participants was so small that there was no report or photo of it on different websites of Mojahedin; only one website gave a brief report on the gathering….42 members and supporters of terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq gathered in front of United Nations building in New York on April 28.

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Mujahedin-e Khalq

Dr. Howells: The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organisation (MEK) is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the United Kingdom. The MEK appears on the list of persons, groups and entities which are subject to restrictive measures with a view to combating terrorism under Council Regulation 2580/2001-EC. The Court of First Instance of the European Communities is currently scrutinising the process by which the MEK was included on that list, and the UK has made representations to the Court. Judgment in that case is awaited.

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