
MKO’s Death in US-Iran Talks

There are various comments on the issue of US-Iran Talks, including that of Al-Zaman newspaper, writing:”Joint fight against terrorism will be possibly a basis for the talks and Iran will ask for the extradition of MKO.”

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MKO Supports Terror in Tasuki

Following the terrorist action in Tasuki (on the road from Zabol to Zahedan), in which 21 were killed and 7 others injured, Iranliberty website which belongs to the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq and is run by Mansoor Ghadrkhah (member of MKO council), supported this terrorist act by releasing a statement and called”revolutionary forces”those who conducted it.

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Terrorist or Victim?!

After joining the MKO, Hojjat passed terrorist courses and in his first terrorist operation in the June of 1998, he detonated a strong bomb in Tehran’s Revolutionary Prosecution Office that killed 4 people including an Armenian Iranian (William Wigen); many others were injured in the event.
Terrorist MKO claimed responsibility for this terrorist act in a statement released on June 2

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The End of Puppet’s Games

Recent events could be a victory for the MKO only if the Westerners paid attention to them; but the current situation indicates that the West has to stand against this group to prove its own credibility. In addition, the survival of the group- despite the claims of its leaders- requires getting out of terror list. Diplomatic encountering with Iran will keep this group in the list of terrorist organization.

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MKO, Part of Zionist Lobby

The scandal of infiltration of some people-affiliated with Zionist lobby- into the US government and spying for Israeli government, with the purpose of directing the United States towards a war on Iran, is a reality that shouldn’t be ignored.FBI and US Justice Department have concluded in their investigations that some anti-Iran figures want to instigate neoconservaties against Iran.

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MEK Fixed on US Terror List

the MKO can no longer wait for a new list, two years from now but after this time it should try to convince US officials that the situation which led to the designation of the group have completely changed. Meanwhile, new list proves that all US officials, leaders, political figures and parties have consensus on the fact that the Mojahedin-e khalq is a terrorist organization.

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Consequences of Dirty Diplomacy

On the one hand, the leaders of the group asked the members to have influential political and propagandistic activities regarding Iranian nuclear activities. They even said to the members- who have no contact with the outer world- that the leaders of the group were leading an international battlefield against Iran and that the MKO has convinced Europe and the US that the time for war on Iran has come.

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Tanter’s Golden Dreams

In order to understand its importance and influence, one should consider how far they are from the latest analysis of US government about the terrorist group they support. A terrorist group on US terror list, offices of which were shut down by the government of George Bush.

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