
The MeK’s failed Blackmail

The MeK leadership’s statement reveals that her intention of sabotage in the relocation process was not to improve the living conditions of her members, but to blackmail America’s government, especially for removing name of the group from the list of terrorist organizations. (It is likely that this scenario be repeated during next steps.)..

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Mr. Kobler, Avoid repeating the error!

while with the two mentioned mistakes they made the situation more intricate, and now suppose that by advising the Iraqi government for restraint and asking the camp residents for collaborating they can take the situation out of the deadlock. However, the UN authorities should not just think to completion of the relocation from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty, but, with the experience of this level, they have to..

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Masood Rajavi removes from head of the MeK

The fact is that Masood Rajavi has fled because of being at the head of a terrorist organization, being responsible for hundreds of terrorist operations, collaboration with Saddam, establishing of the international criminal network, and dozens of other illegal actions. So, due to the terrorist records and a history of treachery and crime, Rajavi does not have legitimacy to represent a political group.

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The recent actions of Rajavi’s gang in France

France now is on the eve of an important exam. Its governors should know that with the closure of the MeK’s main camp in Iraq, their country will be the center of this terrorist group- whether its individuals could take asylum or not, and Auvers-sur-Oise will be the center of their terrorist acts. So, the best option for France is following the Iraqi government to expel the MeK.

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MKO from TTL to third countries

At the meeting that was held in Geneva, Guterres said:”The UNHCR does not give asylum to groups, but it will be given only to individuals, if they quit violence.”So, MeK aka MKO/PMOI Have a tough road ahead from TTL to European countries. Renounce of violence and rejection of the sectarian organization is the first and the most important step to pass this arduous path. Considering what was said above, UN, UNHCR, and ICRC can play ..

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MKO cult leader, imposes conditions for releasing his hostages

Rajavi has declared to the forces who sought departure that if they announce that they are”frightened”,”desperate”, and”regretful of fighting with the regime”, he would let them to leave the camp through three ways: 1. Betimes he introduces them to an Iraqi police station. 2. Each individual’s family to come and remove him/ her. 3. After lifting the siege and in possible time, they would be allowed to go out to everywhere, provided that ..

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Baathist- MEK band’s plots fail

UN and the UNHCR authorities are criticizing MeK’s hypocritical manner. Despite that MeK/MKO/PMOI is looking for changing of the political arrangement in Iraq, there is one more important reason for them to procrastinate: fear. For years a deep fear of the world outside, damage, and imprisonment has encompassed MeK, especially MeK’s leadership. Holding of numerous conferences roots in the MeK’s necessity for being constantly under ..

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MKO Scheme to Fan the Flame of Ethnic War

MKO leaders at Camp Ashraf have told their advocates that the Maliki government would collapse soon and replaced by Ayyad Alawi and al-Iraqiya spectrum .Hassan Tawaliba, an activist close to the MKO who under the cover of support for human rights defends the Ashraf based Mujahedin, has published an article in al-Liwaa newspaper , he tries to pave the media ground for an important bombing the group intends to carry out in Samarra

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MeK leadership places massacre of the troops on agenda

Frustrated of their inability in abuse of the Europe Union, Maryam Rajavi says in this regard:”Hiding behind the”Iraqi sovereignty”to justify the indifference toward crimes of this government against Ashraf absolutely is unacceptable.”Now, MeK seek to counter Iraqi government and create conflict at the end of the deadline. From now, MeK leadership is preparing the troops to sacrifice, also he is inducing them that being Ashrafi means that never will we retreat,..

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Iraq’s decision on MEK expulsion irreversible

To review the issue of Camp Ashraf, a meeting was held at the European Parliament,with the presence of Struan Stevenson, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, and Esther Dang (MeK supporters in EU Parliament); Jean De Ryte ..Iraqi embassy’s representative,once again addressed audiences the Irreversibility of the Iraqi government’s decision…Jean De Ryte remarked that, the only work that European Union can do, simply, is to accept some of them.

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