
MKO Spies on Iranian Immigrants

The report*, modeled after Sherlock Holmes stories, stresses that”the invitation for the seminar said that it was free for all Iranians, the address was also mentioned…so it could be understood from such new propagandistic move that Iranian Intelligence Ministry has put new purposes in its agenda against Iranian immigrants and opponents abroad.”

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Iran-US Talks

Among Iraqi newspapers, Al-Sabah newspaper, which is close to the government and is considered to be the most influential newspaper in Iraq, has discussed the issue with a big headline on the first page reading: ‘Three sides, a case and ambiguous talks’.

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MKO on the Agenda of Troika

According to Buratha news, Iranian ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi Qomi, who headed the Iranian delegation in Iran-US talks on Iraq, answered questions of reporters in a press conference after meeting his American counterpart; in response to a question on MKO, he said:”We didn’t talk about this top in this session but it’s on our agenda for future meetings.”

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MEK Fearful of Occupiers’ Exit from Iraq

This formula is already exposed since all unilateral policies of the US across the world- its aggression, occupation of Iraq and the continuation of its threats against Iran- are confirmed according to this formula and the MKO expresses concern about changes in it. For instance, they see disadvantages for the group in US-Iran talks, therefore they warn the occupiers as follows:

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MKO Supporters Involved in Terrorism

Those whose names have been revealed by General Qanbar are known for their opposition to the Iraqi government and for their support for the MKO. Saleh Mutlak, Mohammed Daini, Adnan Al-Dulaimi and Khalaf El-Ayan are known figures of this movement.General Qanbar has said that TNT found in El-Ayan’s house matches explosives used in explosion in Parliament’s building.

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Desperation Prevails in Rajavi’s Cult

The fact is that the stupid remnants of Rajavi had promised their desperate members, tired of relying on foreign powers, that they”would push the US to clash Iran in Iraq”and that”a new resolution would be passed against Iran”that will worsen Iran’s situation in the international scene. However, since the previous resolutions have proved to be futile and with Iran-US’s scheduled talks, desperate members in political section of the group have cautioned that measures of Rajavi cult are useless.

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MKO Becomes Orphan Again

According to most of Iraqi media, a key issue in Iran-US upcoming talks for stabilizing Iraq is that the US should quit support for terrorist MKO. Even MKO supporter Saleh Mutlaq said in an interview with Japan’s Xinhua news agency that he’s seriously concerned about US’s intentions to stop supporting MKO.

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MKO Admits Iran’s Nuclear Achievements

MKO, which earlier denied Iran’s ability to have even the nuclear technology, has been forced now to admit the realities they don’t like.MKO leaders have always been criticized for mixing their so-called political analyses with their dreams and feeding them to their restricted forces.

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More Evidence on Rajavi cult – Qaeda Ties

The terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq, with long history of denying its own acts and plots, responded to the comments and revelations of Mr. Hadi Farhan Abdullah al-Aameri, the head of Iraqi Parliament’s Security Commission, by projection and denying the facts; Mr. Aameri had revealed MKO’s ties with Al-Qaeda

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