
Rajavi’s Gang, From National to Global Terrorism

What started during the Cold War by the US in Afghanistan- against the Soviet Union- and later took the form of Taliban to protect the interests of oil companies and secure oil pipes has turned into today’s”Al-Qaeda”, which is responsible for many of bloody terrorist operations in the world. Terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e khalq also has similar situation. When the Western countries ignored

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Political Stupidity of Rajavi and his Retarded Remnants

There’s a big question on why the gang of Rajavi came to presidential campaign in France, which had nothing to do with them.Before answering this question, it should be clarified that Rajavi’s gang left a new record for its political stupidity since it was clear, from the beginning, who was going to win the elections.

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US’s Tone over MKO Changes

This new report has more serious tone on MKO than previous ones. One of the aspects of this report is its stress on issues like: MKO’s violence, its cult-like properties and being dangerous, that it is hated by Iranians, groups internal relations and compulsory divorces as well as weekly cleansing sessions and separating kids from their parents, and MKO leaders and members’ readiness to repeat terrorist..

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New Additions to State Department’s Report on MKO

Pointing to the assassination of US military and civilian personnel in Iran during 1970s, – Stressing the ability and the will of MKO members and leadership to conduct terrorist operations across the world, – Introducing the MKO as one of the most violent political groups, established during 60s,

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Dealing on the MKO?

…. Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari promised the Iranians that Iraq would expel from its territory the members of the anti-Tehran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-i Khalq …Saddam had given them a base, Camp Ashraf, from which they sent terrorists over the border to blow things up in Iran….the State Department labeled them a terrorist organization….

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Rajavi’s Pitiful Condition

EU’s reasons for calling MKO a terrorist group, which will be published soon, strips MKO from the chance of taking advantage of maneuvering over this law itself. Although, they are ready to interpret this law as a victory for the group to boost the morale of group’s desperate members.

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Discredited MKO and British Servicemen’s Human Rights

the announcement of Iran’s achievement in producing nuclear fuel has had deep impact on political atmosphere surrounding the nuclear issue. Amazingly, the biggest impact appeared in sudden change in MKO’s warnings on Iranian nuclear threat, which turned to the issue of human rights and its violation by Iran during

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Rajavi’s cult Should Change Tactics

Bigger concern for Rajavi’s gang was that Iran could get upper hand in this process. They claimed that Iran was trying to produce nuclear bomb in order to instigate the US to attack Iran, which was the only option for that phase in their view.

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Unconscious Intelligence Sources!

The MKO’s project, called”Hostage taking Crisis”, was aimed at instigating British government against Iran. They tried to convince Britons that Iran’s move was in response to UN Security Council’s resolution. According to the analyses of Rajavi’s gang, this crisis could last for months and they had to do their best to prevent a diplomatic resolution.

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