
Hostage-Taking to Boost Bargaining

The efforts of MKO to get out of Iraqi crisis have the properties of a criminal act of hostage-taking; the only difference is that instead of ordinary people, they have taken hostage their own members! Mercenaries of Rajavi’s gang, who have a long history of selling their own members, try to put pressure on humanitarian organizations to accept their requests.

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What Does MKO Want from EU?

MKO relies on a weak ruling by a European court, which is not bounding for the states and its least effect can be limited to bureaucratic relations inside the EU. More importantly, the ruling stressed that MKO had not committed terrorist acts since 2000, while after the ruling was issued, Maryam Rajavi said that group should be rearmed!

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Armed mercenaries; Warmongers’ Last Resort

That we occasionally hear the name of terrorist MKO and Pentagon’s use of this organization doesn’t mean that they only rely on this terrorist group to destabilize the country. In fact, it means that Pentagon and Neocons, as pioneers of warmongering against Iran, use all possible means, including the gang of Rigi, Pezhak and criminal cult of Rajavi.

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The Gang of Rajavi is Collapsing

In an unprecedented way, the MKO’s stupid propaganda system is reflecting how its supporters and members in gatherings have decreased. The gang of Rajavi could gather only 35 supporters in Geneva, 12 in Munich and 17 in London to show the support for its policies; this indicates that the gang of Rajavi is bankrupt.

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MKO Defends Terrorist Acts in Zahedan

Despite the condemnation of terrorist operations in Zahedan by the UN Secretary General and the UN Security Council and their call for the prosecution of those behind the attacks, terrorist group of Mojahedin-e Khalq supported the terrorists under the name of”National Council of Resistance”and asked for the freedom of criminal terrorists who are seeking sectarian and religious divisions

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Bulgarians’ Warning on MKO

Bulgarian sources had earlier reported that the mission of Bulgarian forces for protecting Camp Ashraf has been extended for another year. However, the Gestapo of Ashraf each time denies that Bulgarian forces are guarding MKO’s camp and try to convince others that they’re under the protection of US forces!

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From Jaderieh Prison to Hakim’s Base!

After a while, the prison was shut and prisoners were all freed. Then, MKO’s lies on the issue were exposed and it became clear that the two members had not been in that prison. MKO spread lies at that time in order to instigate the US military. … Now, a year and half on, the MKO is again repeating its claims on its two members (obliterated by the group itself) to provoke US’s news sensitivities in Iraq and pave the way for confronting the Shiites.

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MKO’s So-Called Legal Claims Futile

it contains some points that reveal MKO’s efforts to prevent the process of expulsion from Iraq; indeed, it shows the MKO efforts against the government that is determined to expel the group are all futile. Since the stances of MKO spokespersons are illegal, MKO leaders use expensive lawyers to threaten Iraqi officials.

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MKO-Baathists Alliance

This group has now central role in plotting against Iraqis and in religious differences. Some TV channels and failed newspapers help this organization. It holds conferences and interferes in Iraq’s internal affairs. What’s surprising is that some MPs take part in the conferences of this terrorist group in Brussels and Paris. One of them, who is the leader of a Parliament’s fraction, said they had common goals and principles with the MKO

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