
MKO: Shameless Mercenary Force

After Pentagon lies against Iran were exposed, Alireza Jafarzadeh, member and spokesman of MKO in the US, came to the scene and claimed that”advanced bombs that kill Iraqis have been made in Sattari Industries, which is controlled by Revolutionary Guards Corps, and transferred to Qods Force. These bombs are then smuggled into Iraqi through 3 border points, including Mehran.”

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So Discredited A Ruling

“When the European court issued a ruling on this case, the MKO was on the terrorist list of the EU and the court, of course, complained that enough reasons for designating the group. However, the legal obstacles are being resolved now in order to keep this group on the list,”French Foreign Ministry spokesman Jean-Baptiste Mattei said on the issue of lifting restrictions of MKO properties.

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Scandal in Presenting Fake Evidence

Websites linked to the terrorist group of MKO, along with its satellite TV channel, published the news of Moahmmed Dayinee’s interview with Al-Jazeera news channel and claimed of an unprecedented revelation on Iran’s interferences in Iraq!

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The Plots of Cult against Iraqi Government

The terrorist MKO thought it could intensify US’s confrontation with Iran and pave the way for a big attack on Shiite figures and MPs. However, this failed and no one paid attention as if all sides in Iraq have all understood the fact that it was only a tactic to help the survival of the group.

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Attacking Iran, The Only Solution for MKO

Mohammed Mohaddessin issued a statement yesterday, asking the US to adopt a firm policy against Iran and to support the terrorist group of Mojahedin-e Khalq:”Delaying the adoption of a firm against the regime of Mullahs inspirits this reme in pursuing its nuclear program. Therefore, applying broad oil, arm, diplomatic and technological sanctions against this regime is becoming increasingly urgent.

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Europe Slaps MKO in the Face

This Council announced on January 31 that according to the ruling of the court it would provide the MKO with reasons of freezing its assets. The Council also stated that it would give a month to the MKO to present documents to defend itself before the Council announces the final decision.*

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Defections Intensify in MKO

Family of a former MKO member, based in TIPF, reported that in the latest wave of defection, 5 repentant members of the group escaped the cult and joined the TIPF.”Two women are among these people, one of whom is Ms. Batoul Soltani, 40, from the city of Isfahan. Her daughter, Setareh, was forcefully separated from her mother and taken to Europe in 1991….

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Illegality, Fundamental Crisis for Rajavi’s Gang

there’s a consensus against this group..Western governments, particularly the US and Western Europe, have concluded that the gang of Rajavi is a criminal cult whose claims of democracy are all meaningless and that it’s an anti-democratic movement. Therefore, they try to avoid supporting such a cult. They also repeat their positions occasionally to warn the supporters and agents of the group about their positions.

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MKO Shows Its Inferiority Complexes

This comes while Khalf Al-Ayan and Adnan Al-Dulaimi, who accompanied terrorist MKO member Mohammed Mohaddessin in the conference, are themselves involved in the unrest in Iraq and in creating ethnic clashes. While ago, a number of cars prepared with bombs were found in Dulaimi’s house but the results of investigations were not made public because Americans didn’t want to!

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Fear in MKO’s Camp

Despite pressures from pro-Baathist supporters of MKO and obstacles by occupiers, Iraqi officials acted decisively and announced the issue of MKO expulsion from Iraq. They have notified Iranian officials of their will.Following the announcements by the spokesman of Iraqi government Mr. Ali Al-Dabbagh, terrorist gang of Rajavi has gathered its supporters to force the Iraqi government to accept its refugee status in Iraq…

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