Hassan Dai must explain MEK ties

Since Dai constantly avoids answering questions about his links with Masoud Rajavi’s Mujaheddeen (MEK) cult, and friendly TV hosts don’t press him on it, I’ll begin with unanswered questions on this topic.1. You were in Iraq, but you have never disclosed how long you were in Iraq and for what purpose. Please clarify this for us….

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Trapped in Camp Ashraf- Warning and an appeal

The people inside the camp are described as “non status” and they are not accepted as refugees or even asylum seekers. The Iraqi government is adamant it will carry out the decision to close the camp – which is one of the last remains of the Saddam regime – and on the other hand the leaders of the Mojahedin inside the camp insist on keeping the status quo without any logical, legitimate, legal or other reasons..

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Why the US State Department doesn’t trust the MEK

A clearer picture of what US leaders really think of the MEK aka MKO/PMOI/NCR can be found in earlier assessments of the group by the US government—at a time when MEK’s connections in Western governments weren’t as extensively developed. Today the MEK propaganda efforts mentioned in this report are showing their effects.Excerpts from 1992 report by Congressional Research Service addressed to Lee H. Hammilton, Chairman…

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Gambling with MKO terrorism

Certainly, an unethical dogmatic cult like the MEK aka MKO/PMOI – which has the capacity of instructing its own members to self-immolate in support of their leaders – a cult that went as far as fighting alongside the troops of Saddam Hussein when he invaded its own country’s territorial integrity – is much less principled and predictable than some hawkish American politicians wish it to be.

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Interesting”Iranian-Americans”at the MEK Rally in DC!

If you have been wondering who among us Iranian-Americans supports the MEK and its delisting as a”foreign terror organization,”wonder no more. Meet The Great Lonnell and his 200 friends from his church in Staten Island, who attended a 1,000-1,500 person rally in DC on Friday.”We are here representing on behalf of the Iranian community,”The Great Lonnell told Foreign Policy’s The Cable.

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The MEK will never become a moderate political force

The MEK did not become “radical” as a result of being “listed” as a terrorist organization in 1997. It was an extremist group way before that date. What fuels its radicalism and taste for terrorism is not how it is termed by the State Department or the nature of its relationship with the U.S, but its fanatical ideology, pugnacious discourse, undemocratic structure, leadership, mission and agenda…among the FTOs, the MEK is in one grim sense one of the few exceptions ..

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Terrorists Among Us

This stands in stark contrast with the perspectives of the MEK and its front organization. As part of its propaganda campaign, the MEK publish newspapers and websites like and As an Iranian American, I am outraged that the MEK is attempting to hijack the perspectives of my community. The MEK do not represent Iranian-Americans in California – or anywhere else for that matter.

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Words bad! Bombs good!

These groups don’t care what Khatami says; they don’t want him to be heard
Former President Mohammad Khatami’s visit to the US has aroused serious anger among the neocons, the congress hawks and the AIPAC likudniks. Joining the circus is that aging army of Iranian “freedom fighters,” using their over-hyped 1970’s “expertise” to help America “understand” Iran in 2006. And no, I’m not just talking about the MEK.

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The most hated Iranian group;MEK terrorists

The MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq) is organizing major conferences in Paris and in Washington, DC in the coming week, in an effort to shore up support for the group among European and American law-makers. In recent years, the MEK has shifted its rhetoric, abandoning earlier statements,…

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