MKO of No Use for Pentagon

“Mojahedin-e khalq has offered a detailed plan for a year and half! However, Pentagon officials didn’t like it.Lartijani stressed that their level of understanding is limited to such bombings and explosions, adding: Planning to explode 3 to 4 oil pipelines is not good for a country claiming to be a superpower.

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Establishing Sunni Arab Force in Baghdad Revealed

European sources also added that U.S.’s decision to give the security of Al-Dowrah and Al-Sayedah ¦ to Sunni Arabs and Baathsis is aimed at blocking southern parts of Baghdad on Iraq’s central and southern provinces.Al-Nahrain Net has said that a number of elements from former Baath party, based in Amman, have recently promised each other that they are going to reclaim their lost power by the help of U.S.’s military forces and the wealth of Saudis.

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