Former members: Terrorist MKO Facing a Standoff

Two former members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation (MKO), Ebrahim Khodabandeh and Jamil Bassam, said that the organisation has reached the dead-end, and the countdown has started for its decline. Khodabandeh and Bassam, both 54, became members of the MKO in 1983 and quit the terrorist organisation four years ago.

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MEK’s Ugly Role in Iraq

The head of Iraqi Unity Coalition said that terrorist MKO cooperated with Saddam and his secret services, adding:”Not only they acted against Iran but also suppressed the uprising of Iraqi people in 1991; they have always been the enemy of Iraqis and now they play an ugly and negative role in Iraq.”

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giant leap in wrong direction

The mission described as”a definite misnomer”the appellation”democratic”for the MKO terrorist group, saying,”The MKO has an eclectic ideology that blends Stalinist Marxism and militant leftism with ossified interpretations of Islam (like Al Qaeda), espousing the idea of urban guerrilla warfare.”The letter called on the authors to pay attention that”it is not only the US government but also the European Union which have branded the MKO as terrorist,

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MKO Supporter Mocked in UK Parliament

A Lord Member of Parliament in Britain, who called on all western countries to provide their all-out support for the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e khalq to topple the Iranian regime, was mocked by other MPs. According to IRNA’s correspondent from UK Parliament, Lord Archer was grilled on the issue of

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The European Union released Friday its updated list of terrorist entities removing three groups and adding one.

The EU removed three Italian groups, Nuclei Territoriali Antimperialisti (Anti-Imperialist Territorial Units); Nuclei di Iniziativa Proletaria Rivoluzionaria (Unit for Revolutinonary Proletarian Initiative); Nuclei di Iniziativa Proletaria (Units for Proletarian Initiative) and added the Greek group Epanastatikos Agonas (Revolutionary Struggle).

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MKO stays on EU terrorist list

According to EU sources, the new list which remains unchanged from last December will be published Friday in the EU’s Official Journal. The European Court of Justice last December annulled the decision by the EU to put the MKO on the terror register in 2002.

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MKO’s Recent Meeting Widely Condemned in Iraq

Taha Dar’alsadi, from Unified Iraqi Coalition, the biggest faction in the Iraqi parliament, said:”We condemn this meeting that was held with the assistance of some Sunni tribes and also Saleh Mutlaq, the head of Iraqi Dialog Front.”Mojahedin-e Khalq organization is involved in religious tensions in Diyala province and the continuation of its activities and the presence of its camps in al-Khales are not acceptable

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MKO Attacks Paris Meeting

According to IRNA from Paris, fifty unknown men, allegedly the members of Mojahedin-e khalq terrorist organization attacked the guests and sponsors of the meeting with knives and broken glasses, leaving 13 wounded. The attack took place at the early moments of the meeting. French police came to the scene and fired tear gas before arresting some people.

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Ambassador: We raised our concerns transparently in Baghdad meeting

“We also told the Americans explicitly that the problems of Iraqi people will increase if the US continues its occupation of Iraq.””Our main reason for taking part in the negotiation was supporting the government of Prime Minister al-Maliki in Iraq and we are ready to offer any kind of assistance to Iraq Government to increase its ability in running the country,”Ambassador Kazemi said.

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