MKO Members Wave Israeli Flags

A number of supporters of terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq who waved the flags of Israel protested to the visit of Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki to Norway. According to IRNA, around 50 MKO members and supporters who held and waved the flags of Zionist regime shouted slogans to protest …

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New Charges Added to MKO’s Criminal Case

report from Paris on Wednesday indicate that prosecutor general has asked the court to add money laundering and fraud charges to the case, which includes connection with terrorism and saboteur groups. According to the report, prosecutor has submitted this request to anti-terror court on March 19.

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Iraqi MP Asks for MKO Expulsion

IRNA quoted Al-Edaleh newspaper writing:”Kamal Saedi, Iraqi member of parliament from the list of Unity Coalition asked the Iraqi government to discuss the dangers of MKO’s presence in Iraq seriously.””This organization is a terrorist group and those who oppose its expulsion should take care of the group themselves,”he added.

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Britain Keeps MKO on Black List

In the meeting, the report of which was published by British Parliament’s website, UK Foreign Office minister Kim Howells responded to some MPs’ request for lifting MKO from terror list:”On the proscription of Mojahedin-e Khalq, the Home Office rejected an application for de-proscription last year and that is, strictly speaking, a matter for the Home Office.”

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AMIA and the Role of MKO

A group of Argentinian political, social, religious and human rights personalities, as well as syndicates, artists, and ethnic groups have in a letter to IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voiced solidarity with Iranian nation and government against George Bush’s militarist, occupying regime’s threats.

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EU says MKO Remains on Terror List

Similar letters will be sent to those people or organizations which have been enlisted as terrorist groups, sources in the EU, speaking on condition of anonymity, told an IRNA correspondent in Brussels. The letter follows the decision by the European Court of Justice last December to

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MKO Presence Illegal: Iraqi Interior Minister

In the new Iraq, there’s no place for groups that can have negative impacts on relations with neighboring countries,”he said.”The two countries should be careful in preserving the security of their borders and to achieve that the two sides have already taken good steps,”he added. In the meeting, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Iranian ambassador to Iraq invited his Iraqi counterpart to visit his country.

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