Iraq Set To Expel the MKO

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s cabinet had demanded that the MKO members be rapidly transferred to other countries, AFP quoted the spokesman as saying. “The presence of this organization is illegal and the cabinet has decided to put an end to it, said Dabbagh, adding,”We have given it time to prepare to leave Iraq for another country. We have left it to them to go to the country of their choice.

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Iraq Dismantles the MKO

Iraq’s Vice President said there are a series of issues which are connected with security in Iraq and Iran, one of which being the presence of the outlawed terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization in Iraq.

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MKO Members’ Families Meet Red Cross Reps

According to Rezayee, they asked the representatives to wire their voice to the officials of Red Cross in Geneva and other related international authorities and asked for the freedom of their loved ones from the cult.Red Cross representatives expressed regret over inhuman limitations imposed on MKO members by the cult of Rajavi.

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Most MKO Members Want to Return Home

Families of the deceived MKO members in Ashraf camp staged a sit-in in front of the ICRC’s Tehran office and outside the Swiss Embassy, that looks after the US interests in Tehran, calling for measures to secure the release of their children from MKO captivity.Meanwhile, the EU does not intend to remove the Iranian grouplet MKO from its terrorist list, EU diplomatic sources said here Friday.The comments followed reports that the MKO is planning to hold a demonstration on Monday in front of the EU headquarters in Brussels to call for the removal of its name from the EU terror list….

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US using MKO terrorists as bargaining chips, says BBC

Britain’s state-funded broadcaster said the US cannot decide what to do in its hypocritical policy, with some statesmen in Washington still seeing the MKO as potential allies even though the grouplet is officially branded as terrorists. A documentary for Newsnight, screened on Wednesday, suggested there was a split between the US State Department and Defence Department ….

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Iranians’ complaints against Saddam to be compiled

Iranians’ complaints against Saddam Hossein and his international accomplices for the atrocities they committed, will be compiled, head of the Sacred Defence Foundation said on Wednesday. Mir Faisal Baqerzadeh told IRNA that the foundation has planned to forward the attorney general’s letter including documents of Saddam regime’s crimes against Iranians to Iraqi Supreme Court.

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Tariq Harb: MKO Presence in Iraq, Illegal

Despite the approval of a ruling by former Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) on the expulsion of MKO from Iraq, the leader of the group are trying all possible ways to stay in that country.The leaders of the group claim that the presence of the group in Iraq is legal and sometimes claim to be refugees; recently they tried to introduce the group as a political front.

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Iran dismisses European Court’s ruling on MKO assets

The world public opinion will never forget MKO’s black record of inhumane crimes including their complicity in massacre of innocent Iranian and Iraqi people by former regime of Saddam Hussein, he added.
He said MKO has been recognized as a terrorist group by international organizations on the basis of the UN Security Council resolution 1373 and an European Union approval.

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EU sources: MKO will not be removed from terror list

The EU, in a statement on Tuesday, said that the European bloc now intends to provide a statement of reasons to each person and entity subject to the asset freeze, wherever that is feasible, and to establish a clearer and more transparent procedure for allowing listed persons and entities to request that their case be re-considered. Jean-Claude Piris, legal counsel to the Council of the EU, told a news conference in Brussels Tuesday that the EU will examine in a thorough way the judgment of the European court.

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