Nejat NGO urges Iraq to let MKO members reunite with their families

Nelat Society has urged Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maleki, to provide chance for those members of the terrorist Mojahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO), who are residing in Ashraf Camp, to reunite with their families in Iran. ..Describing the members of the terrorist organization, who are living in the camp, as people, who have been deceived and misled by the MKO/MEK/PMOI ringleaders, Nejat Society urged the Iraqi government to arrest and try the terrorist MKO top leaders.

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Hundreds in Diyala, Iraq staged rally against the MKO

hundreds of people of Diyala province staged rally in protest against MKO on Monday in”Al -Khalis”90 km Northeast of Baghdad where the MKO headquarters, Camp Ashraf is located..the demonstrators included tribal leaders, intellectuals and students from different regions. The protestors chanted slogans against terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization and asked for their immediate expulsion from the Iraq territory.

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Iraqi official : MKO has no choice but leaving Iraq

Iraqi Diala Province Police chief said that members of Mojahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) in ‘New Iraq Camp’ (formerly Ashraf Camp) has no choice but leaving Iraq… the committee for investigation of ‘New Iraq Camp’ dossier has determined a one-month deadline for them ( members of MKO/MEK/PMOI) to depart Iraq, and they have to decide on either returning to their homeland (Iran) or leaving for a third country.

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German pro-MKO legislator facing child porn indictment

Former German Social Democratic lawmaker Joerg Tauss who is a supporter of the MKO terror group, is facing an indictment on charges of possessing child pornography, press reports quoted a state prosecutor as saying Tuesday. We intent to file charges against him,”said state prosecutor Ruediger Rehrig ..The decision which has to be made by the German Parliament, is expected before the September 27 general election.

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MKO agents arrested in Tehran riots

Agents of the terrorist group Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) have been found and arrested among the agitators of Tehran streets in the past few days. Arrested people have confessed that after being trained in Iraq, they have infiltrated into Iran and that they were guided and supported by MKO operation room in Britain. Iranian television broadcast their confesses and their telephone conversations with a number of leaders of that group in which they ordered them for sabotage like setting fire on buses..

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Statement of the Iraqi Embassy in London

Remaining in Iraq is not an option for Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists..The Iraqi government has called for the expulsion of Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO/MEK/PMOI) from the country, saying Ashraf Camp terrorists can voluntarily return to Iran or choose to go to a third country… The Iraqi Embassy also pointed out that Ashraf Camp residents are not “political or humanitarian refugees” but terrorists whose activities are in contradiction to the commitment of the Iraqi government vis-a-vis its neighbours… Referring to the conditions of MKO members who are presently residing in Ashraf Camp, the Iraqi Embassy said there is no blockade of the terrorist camp as claimed by MKO leaders.

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German secret service report highlights MKO terror role

The German secret service which continues to monitor the MKO, stressed the Paris-based terror group was”responsible for scores of attacks”inside Iran over the past three decades.The report pointed out the MKO was no longer capable of conducting terror assaults in Iran ever since the collapse of Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hossein. The Israeli-backed MKO terror group had collaborated with the former Saddam regime, brutally massacring tens of thousands of Iraq Kurds and Shias. The MKO has been involved in the mass killings of thousands of innocent Iranians over the past 30 years.

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Maliki’s meeting with MKO ringleader denied

“An advisor to Iraq’s prime minister rejected Nouri Al-Maliki’s meeting with the ringleader of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization, Masoud Rajavi”, as posted on a number of Persian websites in the past two days. Speaking to IRNA in Baghdad Sunday, Yasin Majid expressed doubt whether Rajavi was in Iraq and added that the news is wrong and no meeting has taken place.

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Interpol issues arrest warrant for 12 MKO members

Interpol has issued arrest warrant for 12 members of the terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) for involvement in ‘illegal’ operations, wrote an Iraqi daily.Al-Sabah in its Monday issue quoted a judicial source in Iraqi Diyala province as saying that 12 of the terrorist MKO/PMOI/MEK members are accused of being involved in ‘illegal’ operations, including kidnapping.

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World should take clear stance in dealing with terrorism

In a face to face meeting of the Cabinet with people of 17th, 18th, 19th municipality districts of Tehran, he added that the Iraq government has the choice to take a decision regarding expulsion of MKO/PMOI/MEK from its territory. Countries claiming to fight terrorism should not deal with terrorist group whose hands are stained with Iranians’ bloods in a double-standard manner, he said.

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