
UANI, Joe Lieberman and the MEK

As far back as 2008, Lieberman was joking—yes, joking, as if this were a laughing matter—about the “appeal” of bombing Iran. In a 2010 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations that re-purposed many of the talking points Lieberman had used to push for the invasion of Iraq, he spoke of a six-month deadline—six months! …

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Anti-Iran Deal AIPAC Spin-off Relies on Iranian Ex-Terrorist Group

Now that the campaign is taking shape, the AIPAC spin-off appears to be relying on a typical, if troubling, ally of American groups and individuals opposed to diplomacy with Iran. Namely, two items on the website of Citizens for a Nuclear Iran, one of which was later removed, featured an exiled Iranian opposition group called the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) aka MKO/PMOI.

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The WINEP Letter and the Bipartisan Fallacy

… “Inevitably,” Lieberman addressed the MEK members directly, “as individuals you may ask yourself: Is it possible that we can bring about a change of regime in Iran? And I want to say to you that it is. I’m confident that it is and it will happen.” The US, he said, “should be working closely with your resistance group.” …

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Reviving the Iran-North Korea Axis – More MEK Fabrications

In his debunking of the claims, Jeffrey Lewis concluded in Foreign Policy that: The MEK/MKO/PMOI highlights Iran’s nuclear programs — real, imagined, and downright fabricated — as a way to build support for regime change in Tehran. Hemming in the Iranian nuclear program through diplomacy removes one of the MEK’s …

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Tom Cotton Allies Himself with the MEK

The MEK, which has worked hard – and spent a lot of money — to gain respectability in Washington since its armed units surrendered to U.S. forces in Iraq in 2003, is believed to have been responsible for the killing of six Americans in Iran between 1973 and 1976. Exiled following a power struggle in the early years of …

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Poe’s Financial Ties To MEK May Explain Maryam’s House Testimony

as Ali Gharib and I documented in February, MEK’s aka MKO/PMOI influence in Washington, particularly with Iran hawks, has coincided with a flow of money from the group to American politicians, in particular, to embattled Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) who is currently under indictment on unrelated federal corruption charges.So why did Poe and the Republican majority on the terrorism subcommittee decide to invite Rajavi…..

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Spoiler Alert: Iran Hawks Take Wing Against Nuclear Deal

On Thursday, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ed Royce — who recently video-cast encouraging words to a conference in Paris organized by the (former) terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MeK) cult — and the committee’s ranking Democrat, Eliot Engel, released a letter they’d been circulating since …

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European MEK Supporters Downplay ISIS Role in Iraq

There is no shortage of people arguing that Iran holds excessive influence over Iraq and that Maliki has aggravated many of Iraq’s problems, so why did these MEPs resort to downplaying the horrors of ISIS’ actions in calling for an end to Tehran’s hold on Baghdad?A clue appears in the EIFA’s emphasis on the security situations of Camps Ashraf and Liberty.

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