blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mehr News Agency

Iraqi government bound to expel MKO

There are two reasons why MKO group cannot stay in Iraq: from the legal point of view these persons are terrorists and the Iraqi government does not have the right to let them stay in Iraq, and the political reason is that the MKO/MEK/PMOI members have perpetrated criminal acts against the Iraqi nation, Mohsen Hakim told the Mehr News Agency on Tuesday.

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MKO expulsion will be monitored by a special committee

Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari has stated that Baghdad intends to host talks between Iran and United States over the security situation in Iraq and called for maintaining “Iraq-Iraq-U.S. triangle”. ….. The foreign minister also dismissed reports that Iraq is showing leniency in expelling Mojahedin Khalgh Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK), saying the Iraqi government has taken its decision on the group and the expulsion will be strictly monitored by a “special committee”…

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1031 Mojahedin cult Members decided to leave

..There are reports that 1,031 MKO members have so far decided to leave Iraq either by acquiring citizenship or by obtaining passport and so they will leave the country or those countries that have granted them citizenship will have to take them out of the Iraqi soil, he pointed out.. Those Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) leaders who masterminded terror operations inside Iran must be extradited to the country to stand trial, Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Kazemi Qomi has said

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Iraq set to expel Mojahedin Khalq Orgainsation

Iraq is seeking to expel the Mujahedeen Khalq Organization or the so called PMOI, the largest armed Iranian dissident group for interfering in Iraq’s domestic affairs and inciting terror acts against the Iraqi nation. “Baghdad regards the MKO as Saddam’s accomplice” and is opposed to its presence in Iraq, an informed official who requested anonymity told the ISNA news agency.

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Iranian students union thanks EU for keeping MKO on terror list

In a letter released on Saturday, Iran’s Union of Islamic Students Association (UISA) in Europe has thanked the European Union for its decision to keep the terrorist Mojahedin Kalq Organization (MKO) on the blacklist of terrorist organizations. The letter, a copy of which provided to Mehr News Agency, is addressed to Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga, the European Union foreign policy chief

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Interpol Hunts The Rajavis

Iraqi newspaper al-Bayyinah al-Jadidah wrote:”The Organization for Protection of Iraqis’ Rights”asked the Iraqi government to bring the leaders of terrorist MKO to justice. Stressing the fact that terrorist MKO had been involved in killing more than 780 Iraqi citizens, the organization also asked the families of the victims to file a complain in special court.”

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Anti-Terror Convention in Mashhad

“The convention was mainly aimed at discussing the issue of terrorism in Iran and Iraq, providing solutions for this phenomenon, exposing the crimes of terrorist MKO and revealing the involvement of MKO leaders in Saddam’s atrocities against Shiites and Sunnis.””More than 40 Iraqi authorities and officials, including three university professors, five attorneys and two judges, joined the convention.”

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Al-Mousavi:Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal to try MKO

“We have made probes into crimes that the former regime committed with cooperation of various groups, and during the investigations we have collected documents that prove the complicity of Mojahedin-e-Khalq in inhumane actions in southern and northern Iraq in 1991, the so-called Sha baniyyah Revolution,” he noted.

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