blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Rajavi’s worldview of violence and death

“The mindset of a terrorist group reflects the personality and ideology of its top leader and other circumstantial traits, such as typology (religious, social revolutionary, separatist, anarchist, and so forth), a particular ideology or religion, culture, and nationality, as well as group dynamics.”..Based on many significant evidences, there are points referred to by members and the leader of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCRI) that may lead to arrive at a deep understanding of the ideological-political indoctrinations of the terrorist cult.

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The New Year and the new promise of MKO leader

Regardless of what the Iranian regime’s authorities refer to as the engagement of foreign hands in the recent anti-government riots, for certain the agents that carried the operations have been those who have long announced war and armed struggle against the regime and have proved to be serious in their strategy and can never make any change to turn to peaceful and democratic ways.

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MKO misuse a religious occasion

Taking advantage of the occasion as usual, MKO aka MEK/PMOI hijacked the Shia Muslims Ashura event and a number of the group’s provoked and paid thugs tried to disturb the streets in Tehran by chanting anti-regime slogans that resulted in casualties including four deaths. The move was the outcome of a plot to initiate a vast propaganda to demonstrate the current ten-day lasting religious ceremonies in Iran as scenes of nationwide uprising against the regime that reached its climax on its last day…

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The significance of regular inquisition within MKO cult – Part1

… The publication of Rajavi’s own presence in the management of these sessions is of very significance and may raise some speculations. It may mean the termination of his organizational-cultic hide-out to stop the disintegration of the organization, a warning for the outsiders, or his presence in camp Ashraf and …it is very likely that Masoud Rajavi is settled somewhere inside Camp Ashraf..

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Predictable cultic-terrorist reaction of MKO

The world never forgets the horrible cultic self-immolations in June 003 following the arrest of Maryam Azdanlu by the French police … It seems that it is not significant how many members are to be victimized this time since it is willed by the organization leadership, this process may lead to the death of some members. What is of importance is that Iraqi officials are recommended not to submit to illegal demands of Mojahedin as did Americans and …

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MKO angry backlash against transfer

Simultaneous with Iraqi Prime Minister’s remarks concerning “Transfer of Camp Ashraf residents to Nuqrat al-Salman”, MKO has started a vast propaganda blitz to show its strong opposition to the decision and blatantly tries tolerate the decision to a pressure from the Iranian regime on the Iraqi Government as it is the group’s typical..there are some facts in MKO’s published statement that demonstrate an open threatening tone and the possibility of a humanitarian catastrophe in Ashraf.

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Mojahedin Khalq, terrorists or political opponents

The significance lays in the fact that the EP has knowingly or unknowingly violated the boundary demarcating between political opposition and terrorism. At the present, many Iranian opposition are granted political asylum and favor the protection of global conventions and are freely living in many European and non-European countries with no problem. Some of them even take the opportunity of coming and leaving Iran freely. To know the truth, the EP is repeating the very same words of Rajavi who has been using them for many years to conduct his terrorist plans under the disguise of political opposition and refugees. Why the EP insists to recognize a terrorist entity that can never be condoned is a question it is obliged to answer.

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Quitting Iraq, a matter of reasoning or retreat for MKO

… Thus, the armed strategy of liberation hitting its end, since the organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] must abandon its concentration camp, what will Rajavi’s alternative will be? Relocation of Ashraf to any other land necessarily means that an alternative is crucial to the survival of the organization . Can it be a thorough negation and renouncement of the ideologically inwoven armed strategy to replace it with a purely political one identical to other active opposition in abroad? ..

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MKO and continuation of a wrong approach

Reported by Times, a group of ailing hunger strikers from Barnet ended their 72-day fast..Noteworthy in this entire story is application of pressure prompted by the hunger strikers to enforce anMKO/MEK/PMOI organizational will. No doubt, a government like Iraq has to take precautionary measures to guarantee its people’s security at a time when the country is facing violent challenges from a variety of dissident factions and remnants of the ousted dictator and his collaborators..

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