blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Requisite interaction between Iraq and quitters of MKO

The recent events in camp Ashraf shows that the Iraqi government has to use parallel levers beside the legal ones in order to control Mojahedin and set its members free from the cultic relations..The interviews with MKO former members and their eyewitnesses have convinced Iraqi officials that MKO/MEK/PMOI like other cultic groups welcomes any violent reaction as a strategic issue. .The information provided by these separated members helps Iraqi officials to recognize the objectives pursued by MKO leaders ..

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A report of purges within MKO- part two

in a letter addressed to Christopher George of Human Rights Watch/Middle East entitled Human Rights Abuse in Rajavi’s cult, Nowrooz Ali Rezvani, a disaffected and former member of MKO/MEK,PMOI, presented documented reports of many physical and psychological mistreatments of the members by the leaders within the organization..The following is a detailed and proven list of engineering operations plotted in years 1981 to 1994 in an attempt to purge some members for certain organizational reasons..

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A report of purges within Mojahedin Khaq

Once in a letter addressed to Christopher George of Human Rights Watch/Middle East entitled Human Rights Abuse in Rajavi’s cult, Nowrooz Ali Rezvani, a disaffected and former member of MKO, presented documented reports of many physical and psychological mistreatments of the members by MKO leaders ..A woman named Zahra was designated to work as a kitchen porter in Camp Saadati after she was demoted of her organizational rank. Later, her frozen body was found in the refrigerator..

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Iraq’s obligation of protecting terrorists

Hillary Clinton said Wednesday she deplored the reported raid and said the United States is urging restraint on both sides in a confrontation between Iraqi security forces and Iranian dissidents in a camp..If full authority in the country from coalition forces is transferred to the Iraqi government, then, it is up to the government to decide for the country’s security by curbing the danger of a terrorist group still recognized a FTO.

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Life from a cultic perspective

cult leaders divide the world outside and inside into black and white poles and promote the belief that cultic relations end in the evolution and salvation of man and the relations of outside world result in his fatality and deviation. This viewpoint leads to the negation and violation of all social norms and values and ultimately to monopolism and dogmatism. This is a common feature of almost all cults and as Singer puts into words: On most matters, cults promote what we usually call black-and-white thinking, an all-or-nothing point of view

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The day a terrorist cult was raided

On 16 June 2003 the French best-known anti-terrorist judge, Jean Louis Bruguiere, issued a detention order accusing MKO of”terrorist activities, association with a terrorist organization and financing terrorist operations”. Shortly after 6 am on 17 June 2003 more than 1.200 police and gendarmerie forces launched the largest police operation in three decades to raid 13 MKO-run offices in outskirts of Paris

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French judges tough with terrorist MKO

A new round of French courts’ investigating MKO/MEK/PMOI leading cadres, including Maryam Rajavi and Mehdi Abrishamchi, for the terrorist charges has dropped the rankings just in the middle of a mare’s nest. The ranking leaders under the investigations are facing charges of terrorist plots in Iraq, Iran and Turkey as well as illegal activities of laundering and the like…The move by the French judges has made it really hard for the leaders to justify what is going on.

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Transformation of a military camp into a city

Ashraf is basically a military camp that has undergone disarmament. This point is repeated in other parts of this book too. Therefore, imputing the title city to it has been an inevitable act otherwise there was no rationale behind its survival. .. Mr. Hezarkhani states that selecting the title city for Camp Ashraf is a vital issue that guarantees the existence of Mojahedin and Camp Ashraf. In other words, if Mojahedin failed to call it a city, its destiny would be unclear…Mojahedin do not believe in urbanization in its conventional meaning ..

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The illusion of calling Camp Ashraf a city – 2

Ashraf is the military camp of Mojahedin that has surrendered to a superior power by force and still has the parameters and indices of a military camp like putting on military uniform, running morning rituals, military discipline and tens of other instances of practices exercised in most military camps. The fact is that calling Camp Ashraf a city is so irrelevant and ridiculous that in the report about Camp Ashraf written by Manoochehr Hezarkhani, a member of NCRI(MKO/MEK/PMOI), he looses his control and is strongly impressed after finding some parameters like the existence of marketplace and a graveyard

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The illusion of calling Camp Ashraf a city

Release of the book “A report on Ashraf city” written by Mr. Manoochehr Hezarkhani at a time when closing Camp Ashraf is on the agenda of Iraqi government is an interesting point to be elaborated on due to two factors. First, the preparation of this report as a book by a member of NCRI and second, the paradoxes found in its short excerpts on the websites of Mojahedin. However, the readers are recommended to study the preface of this book carefully.

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