blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Formation of a cultic ashram in Auvers

It was only on the morning of 17 June 2003 when French SWAT teams went over the walls and broke into its headquarters for the first time ..The shocking finding was not many illegal instruments, communication devices and big sums of money discovered and seized, but the raid’s aftermath. Maryam Radjavi was arrested and as a protest, several members of the cult set themselves on fire…Nicolas Sarkozy is counted on not to have forgotten about this very controversial organization in France

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Rajavi’s ideological purges

Instead of giving a convincing answer to the criticisms, Rajavi took a hostile stance and asserted that they were no longer MKO members while he had introduced them as the official representatives of the organization abroad a few weeks before. Finally, they published a book entitled “The process of separation” and therein they openly declared their separation from the organization and Rajavi.

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MKO called INSA’s statement “false and misleading”

But of the most noticeable part of the statement is its threatening tone stating “the Iranian Resistance warns that such actions prepare the grounds for a human tragedy..It is natural for a terrorist cult to react against legal moves by a country’s authorized body when it has its own advocates that thoroughly close their eyes on its atrocities and even strive to remove it from terrorist lists.

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Ethics defined by the cult of Mojahedin

One of the prevalent issues in studies on cultic relations of MKO is to determine to what extent the group acknowledges application of ethics in its internal as well as external relations. A review of the manifesto and publications of the organization and their ontological viewpoints indicate that MKO tend to equate ethics with their political feelings and ambitions

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Mojahedin, Iraqi government and the future

There are some issues that have attracted the attention of the world toward MKO/PMOI/MEK. The settlement of Mojahedin in Iraqi soil and recently the recent statements made by Nouri Al-Maliki claiming that the Iraqi government refrains to deliver organization members to the Iranian government and seeks their transfer to a third country is another issue. The world is also encountering propaganda blitz of the organization on the position taking of the US in keeping on its control over Camp Ashraf and also the MKO’s petitioning the world to hew to international conventions concerning individual rights of MKO members

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Inter-organizational defiance of a cult leader

As already elaborated on, irreparable damages to Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) under Rajavi’s lead had their roots mainly in his flaws and characteristics like his arrogance, egotism, ambitiousness, narcissism, etc. They are so inherently rooted in him that even organizational instructions and indoctrinations succeeded not in changing his attitude and to convince him take a different approach.

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Struggle for a new home

Blacklisted a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) whose activities are banned in the US, MKO has initiated a propaganda blitz there along within a number of European countries to draw attention for the protection of Camp Ashraf, its main cult bastion located in Iraq that houses majority of its captivated members… MKO believed that the alliance with Iraq could play a decisive role to alter the course of the war that was threatening the invader himself. The Iraqi soil offered MKO the opportunity to form the Liberation Army so it could stage cross-border attacks at the right time. Closeness to Iranian borders could facilitate it for the supposed sympathizers to join the group more easily and, on the other hand, the operational teams could easily penetrate to launch terrorist operations.

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Roots of totalitarianism in MKO

The pass of time has revealed that ideology, activities and organizational relations of MKO are imperative and non-democratic; a fact that prevents even the critics of my interview to defend the organization. Therefore, it is easy to understand that I am talking about a totalitarian and violent cult that even far from political power treats its allies, members and advocators in the most extremist Stalinist approaches.

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Ideological Totalitarianism

Here, the aim is to trace the roots of totalitarianism in cults and review its mechanisms inside and outside cultic relations. In this regard, some factors that pose a challenge for totalitarianism are to be understood theoretically. Lifton refers to dispensing of existence as one of the eight psychological themes that are central to totalistic environments…

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Hypocrisy of a Marxist-biased leader

The coming event during the Iranian revolution clarified the dual and divisive stance of Rajavi. The arrest of Taqi Shahram, leader of the Marxist wing, after the victory of the Iranian revolution, and the position of MKO in this regard stating that revolutionary courts lacked the legitimacy to put him into trial and it was only Mojahedin that were qualified of trying him implied the fact that Mojahedin were under the effect of a luring attraction toward Marxist division, a fear that had already filled the early ranking cadres like Majid Sharif Vaqefi and Samadieh.

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