blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Opposition to ideological revision

The crushing coup over the body of the organization following the mass arrests in 1971 as well as the ideological schism of MKO/PMOI in 1975 were two alarming incidents that could well help its leaders to start a thorough analysis of strategic and ideological failures so as to make revisions to overcome further encountered challenges

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MKO and Batinis, two cults with identical projects of sterilization

The disclosing speech of Nasrin Ebrahimi in the European Parliament on the latest cult approach of MKO in making women infertile, as another phase of the ideological revolution of Mojahedin, gives a clear picture of cultic malevolent practices committed within the cult of Mojahedin… Having another look at the numerous similarities found between the approaches adopted by MKO leaders and those of notorious historical cults may clarify the real cultic nature of MKO.

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Rajavi Cooperated with SAVAK

It happened at a time when Mojahedin were on a path of struggle with the regime and absolutely reprehended any cooperation with SAVAK and even those members suffering under the heavy pressure and torture avoided to establish friendly relations only to be relieved of sufferings. Thus, Rajavi’s intimate manner of conduct with SAVAK agents to win their attention was in no way justifiable.

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A Misunderstood Court Judgment

We do not know exactly when and where these four stated courts ruled removal of the terror tag from the organization, but if she means the last case judged by the European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg on 23 October 2008 it has to be stated that she has misunderstood the judgment. The court never judges that European Union has wrongly blacklisted the organization on its terrorist list and that it has to be removed.

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Will France risk letting Mujahedin in?

The Iraqi government’s holding control of Camp Ashraf may lead to adverse consequences for the cultist group of Mojahedin (also known as MKO, MEK, PMOI) one of which is the fact that they would be forced to weigh anchor from Iraq and drop it in another country in a little while..Undoubtedly, Mojahedin are willing to grow roots in a country where they would ensure the integrity of their cultic relations

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Female members of MKO are made barren

even the western advocates of Mujahedin(aka PMOI/MKO/MEK) and lobbying parliamentarians have been unaware of these inhuman and brutal actions that are only expected of ill-famed, destructive cults. As the elite of their own nations, at least they have to be concerned about the actions of the group they are lobbying for to unleash among their own people.

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Cloaking conversion of ranking members of PMOI

Many of Marxist members wanted to announce their strategic turnabout even before the declaration of Marxist wing manifesto. There are many statements made by imprisoned Mojahedin in this regard …Rajavi refusing to reveal the identity of Marxist members as well as his own conversion from Islam to Marxism

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Errors of a cult leader

The mistakes made by Rajavi can be classified as those made in the early years of his seizing the power as the leader of MKO or the so called PMOI and those made after the victory of Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979…Rajavi made his first big mistake of resorting to armed struggle just to achieve his totalitarian ambitions..

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Instillation of Hatred in the Cult of Mujahedin

cult leaders unit members and gave them enemies to hate and comrades to love but love towards other members is replaced by hatred and disgust to prevent the formation of dissidence and objection within the cult…Many MKO/PMOI ex-members point out that they had to express their hatred to their relatives, friends and even their parents in order to pass the phases of the ideological revolution of the Mujahedin. The more hatred they showed to outsiders, the more loyal they proved to be to the leader

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