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In Harmony with Ashraf Residents

In respect to the issue of handling over the control of Ashraf to Iraqi government and its decision to expel its residents from the country, it has to be pointed out that it is a matter of internal affair adopted according to the Council of Ministers’ decision…humanitarian groups and committees are really concerned about Ashraf residents, the best they can do is a close cooperation with the Iraqi government so a decisive and secure decision can be taken

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Autopsy of a Cult Leader

It is meaningless to talk of a cult in the absence of its leader because formation of a cult depends on the outstanding ability of the founder termed as the leader or guru who charms and wins over followers. In fact, the life and survival of a cult is strongly tied to the leader that steers it. That is mostly because the purpose of a cultic group is to serve the emotional, financial, political, and in general power ambitions of the leader.

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On the anniversary of a terrorist attack

… On the anniversary of 11 September terrorist incident, and while the world media take positions and analyze the incident from different angles, MKO-run media have purposefully remained silent, as they have all through these years … In contrast to its claims of having accepted democratic parameters of the West, MKO / PMOI indifferent position on 9/11 incident indicates its innate duality and its glorification of terrorism

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Camp Ashraf, a Cult Behavior Gauge

..the Camp Ashraf in Iraq can be considered the cultic and ideological base of the Mujahedin Khalq that generalizes the cultic principles to other wings active even in the Western countries. The Mujahedin Khalq organization is actually facing a problem in this respect; there exists a great difference in the life-style of the members living in Camp Ashraf, living a harsh, military life of severe restrictions and regular cult practices, and those residing in the West who are benefiting the freedom of a democratic world.

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The NCR, an alias for Mujahedin Khalq

In fact, before MKO relocation to Iraq to execute cultic relations in Camp Ashraf as its main cult bastion, the cult thought had passed its embryo stage at Auvers-Sur-Oise in Paris. The importance of Camp Ashraf for Mujahedin Khalq lies in the fact that it was the best remote and controlled spot as needed for cult activities…..The main goal was on the one hand to recruit members with no ideology or whose ideology somehow contradicted that of MKO, and on the other hand the NCR was intended to act as a catalyst between the West and MKO.

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The inside and outside members of the Mujahedin Cult

Cults generally tend to function in isolation … However, for some purposes cults need to make contact with the outside world, that is, recruiting new members, fundraising and more. Sending the members to live among the free society is even more crucial when the cult comes to be a hypocritically political one that needs the society as the wheels to push the cult forth. ..Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), or Mojahedin Cult as it is notoriously referred to, may be the sole political cult of personality that avails big number of live-in and live-out members.

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Implication of Change in MKO

a cult to form a totalitarian society needs to bring about a profound change in members for achieving oneness with cult…Being recognized a cult of personality after its recognition as a terrorist group, Mojahedin Khalq Organization, MKO/MEK/PMOI, has developed its own terminology of cult values to entrap new recruits and to subjugate the already activists.

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The Cultic Change Enforced Through Letters

in a systematic fashion of letter writing, they began to write open letters of congratulation to the newly wed Rajavis, and Massoud Rajavi himself in particular, for the heroic move and the initiated new phase in MKO. A look at the countless volume of these letters, known as the letters of ideological revolution, with identical themes of expressing total devotion to the leadership and his novel ideological revolution well indicates the Mujahedin Khalq organization’s resort to crafts to subjugate its own insiders

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A Cult Technique to Crush Antagonism

Being a cult of personality and susceptible to schism especially after the coupe d’état-like internal ideological revolution, MKO, facing increasing internal challenges, concocted excuses mainly to confront dissidents that could possibly nurture schism….The technique of eliciting confessions was practiced in collective gatherings and the members were forced to admit to their antagonistic and contradictory outlook not only about the leadership but also about other organizational issues

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The Concept of Change in Cults

The change cults focus on and tempt the members to undergo violates human and social standards and is imposed on them against their will. The process is also dominating in some political parties and organizations whose focal point is certain ideologies as in some active leftist and social parties…. cults promote what we usually call black-and-white thinking, an all-or-nothing point of view. …Cults tend to require members to undergo a major disruption or change in lifestyle.

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