blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

On the anniversary of a suicide operation

Twenty years ago and after the Iran-Iraq cease-fire in 1988, Rajavi dispatched thousands of his warriors on ”Operation Eternal Light” across the border …It was a total military failure and a proven suicide operation excluding the leader …The operation Eternal Light was the result of the search for an outlet out of an inevitable cul-de-sac rather than to be a strategic necessity.

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Mojahedin Khalq Coercive Cult Techniques

the adopted process by MKO verifies illegitimacy of the organization as a political organization and best lists it as a cult of personality. Thus, the process becomes known as a technique of persuasion. In Mojahedin organization, they employ a variety of techniques to change a member’s personality. It is common that a free man has a pile of different point of views and personal tastes and experience of his own career. But thoughtfulness and having the power of reasoning and understanding is in contradiction with the dominant hegemonic leadership within the Mujahedin. A unanimous thinking route is believed to decrease any objection, disagreement and criticism and makes all liable to obedience. Thus, any member had to pass a long process of personality change.

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A Definition of MKO Solidarity with Iraqi People

…Regardless of their sharing of strategic interests, Rajavi and Saddam’s tie was rooted in a mutual historical and ideological understanding. How is that in a value system that well justifies ties to a tyrant against oppressed people it also rationalizes solidarity with the same people after the fall of the tyrant. Paradoxical as it may seem, it is possible only if the solidarity is looked upon from the angle that the new alliance follows the same previous line of the tyrant and the Sheikhs are not true representatives of Iraqi people …

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Rajavi’s Authority on MKO Echelon

Unlike normal procedures, Massoud Rajavi, by the effective aid of the brave martyred commander Musa Khyabani, disregarded many existing potentialities and started reorganization by purging all reactionary inclinations in an attempt to accomplish Hanif’s unfulfilled plan of bringing together a versatile cadre. He suspended all previous memberships and started a new recruitment out of the imprisoned Mojahedin

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Retarded Process in the Terrorist Case of June 17

Not only has the group failed to present evidences to acquit itself of the charges, dissemination of new evidences such as reports of abusing its own insiders, repeated assertion of its re-designation in the US and the EU terror lists, threatening tone of the group against its defectors and reported instances of attacking them, its lobbying efforts to be removed from the terrorist lists, its description as a cult of personality, legal complaints of defectors and families to prosecute the organization for its anti-human activities against the members, the espionage activities to escalate tension in international affairs and between the countries and much more make it hard to believe that it will ever escape a just trial.

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Implementation of Violence in the Cult of Mojahedin

Potential for violence exists in many cultic groups particularly if they are engaged in underground activities or follow a Machiavellian philosophy of ‘ends justify the means’. Obviously, there is no easy way to predict which group may become involved in terrorism, violence, or suicide operations unless there is a record of already perpetrated instances of violence by the cult even if such deeds might have been ceased temporarily for certain reasons

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Does a Ruling Change the Truth?

Would it ever acquit a criminal of his committed crime if he merely washed off his blood-stained hands? In the same way, the removal of a terror tag from a notorious terrorist group with a long history of perpetrated terrorist atrocities against a nation will not change anything. Some may congratulate Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) for the ruling to be removed from the UK terror list and some may be shocked and dismayed

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Targets of Violence

To give a report of its operation teams only in a one-year period, considered a hallmark of its military operations in 1987, the organization published a 54-page booklet entitled Resistance on the Rise that contains a detailed account of more than 20 terrorist operations perpetraited by its teams in various Iranian regions and cities. In these attacks, Mojahedin’s operation teams killed and wounded hundreds of Iranian innocent civilians

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Terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Asked to Clarify

Reported by MKO’s official website, in an official letter to Iraqi Parliament the group has asked “to attend the Iraqi Parliament’s open session in order to clarify before the honest Iraqi people by presenting evidences and documents”. …We are thinking what evidences MKO or the so called PMOI can present to gainsay its close collaboration with the ousted dictator who funded them and granted them the deserted military camp of Ashraf to rebuild it a ‘city’; its espionage and military activities, the operation Eternal Light as the group openly boasts, against Iranian people; its accomplice with Saddam’s notorious intelligence service and military units to suppress the insurgent Iraqi Kurds and riding over their bodies commanded by Maryam Rajavi..

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