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Death of Another Member of the MKO’s Leadership Council

Only a few days after death report of Faezeh Daneshvar, a member of the MKO or the so called PMOI’s Leadership Council, another compeer, Zohere Ghobari, was reported to have met her death after a sever apoplexy. She was only 46 and was heading a MKO’s HQ in Europe when she died. No report was released by the organization on her death ..

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Spy-Agents of An EP Intergroup

What should really people call those who are in accomplice with globally proscribed terrorists? Not only people like Struan Stevenson are interfering in the internal affairs of another country which is in absolute contradiction to principles of democracy, but also exploiting terrorists as tools in a variety of ways for political interests.

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The leadership Catalyst in MKO

Maryam being closely attached to Rajavi, recognition of him was only possible through attachment to her. She plays the role of a qualified subordinate for the purpose of seeing that other members adhere to her husband’s wishes and rules: Maryam Rajavi was held up as an example to the women in the Mujahedin organisation. It was claimed that women could free themselves from their oppression as women, only by following her example.

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Open Letter to Raymond Tanter on His Siding with Terrorists

It appears that the main goal behind your advocating of MKO is to bring democratic change in Iran through recognition of the organization as the sole legitimate, pro-democratic alternative. You know, as we believe, that the very made claims proves no legitimacy since there are costs to be paid. In the same way that costs work to ascertain any legitimacy, they can discriminate between the intentions of good or evil.

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compliance with ethical obligations

… As a terrorist group, MKO considered violence and aggressive actions as ethical and legitimate for the accomplishment of the cause since the Machiavellian motto of “the end justifies the means” permitted it to take advantage of any unconventional and violent means in the power struggle. As Walter Reich explains; “A terrorist if considers something ethical, according to his understanding of ideology, it turns to be accepted ethics by all members. Thus, according to that same ideology, the killing of anybody as enemy would be justifiable and necessary”…

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Rajavi, the absolute cult authority

A charismatic leader does not appear in a vacuum and is in part the product of a larger social or political trend. To build a hierarchical authority with him atop, a charismatic leader claims divinity or special knowledge and demands unquestioning obedience and devotion from the followers. Doubting or questioning the leader’s authority is not at all tolerated and the leader may be aided by one or more core of leaders.

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An Ultra-Left Trend

Today, from a different angle, MKO, developing a leftist, anti-democratic ideology and pursuing a lead of totalitarianism, is seemingly moving quantitatively from the left to the right. Is it possible that the US is convinced MKO has retreated from its originally left, anti-imperialist ideology to receive American support? It is against all expectations.

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Open Letter to UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown

the ruling has led to an increased tension that may face your country with new challenges. Although your government has insisted that it will ensure that public safety is not endangered by de-proscription of the terrorist MKO, and as the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith reiterated”We will ensure that the safety of the public is not in any way jeopardised by this and tighten legislation if necessary”, it might imply that ..

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The victims of terrorism never cheer for terrorists’ victory

As reported by MKO’s official website, the Iraqi News Agency in an article entitled ‘Ashraf people win again’ stated “the skies of London, Paris and Ashraf embraced the new victorious and jubilant cheers for removing the terrorist tag from the PMOI. ….. The members’ avalanche-like drift to TIPF indicates their desperate attempt to be relieved of the painful misery there …A few have also committed suicide because they could not bear the imposed pressure and failed to join others in TIPF…Many wonder that how can the captives in Ashraf, many of them women, ever chant jubilant cheers for removing the terrorist tag

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The Cult of Mojahedin; devoid of minimum obligation to human rights

Considering itself an alternative, MKO, in spite of chanting slogans, hardly believes in and adheres to the principles of human rights. Reportedly, the organization is notoriously known to be abusing its insiders through a various instances of human rights violations. Reported by Human Rights Watch, “abuses carried out by MKO leaders against dissident members ranged from prolonged incommunicado and solitary confinement to beatings

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