blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Financing MEK, a cause of enmity between US-Iran

President Bush is going to tell you that IRAN represents yet another military challenge to US power and that “all options remain on the table” for dealing with that threat. What he’s not going to tell you is that neither the International Atomic Energy Agency nor our government’s very own intelligence services agree with his claim that Iran is actively seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Nor is he going to tell you that enmity between Iran and the US is and always has been almost entirely

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Al- Qaeda front appeals to unfreeze assets

the EU disputed the ruling and kept the organization on a new version of its list. On December 22, 2007 the European Union published its official Journal in which it updated the Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism and repeated Common Position 2007/448/CFSP. But the move by MKO to challenge the EU and lodge an appeal against the EU’s decision seems to have encouraged other blacklisted persons to make a try.

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Mojahedin Khalq threatens to kill an author

Bad-mouthing the critics and threatening them to death is the characteristic of criminal gangs and terrorist groups that advocate violence and atrocity as the sole working apparatus to achieve the ends. For instance, in an angry backlash against a series of articles by Bahar Irani published in, the last of which was Arab countries, Latin America or Africa, where will MKO settle after Iraq? one of MKO’s penman…

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The Sand-Clock Counting down a Cult’s Days

…Rajavi has reiterated two important issues; the preservation of Camp Ashraf regardless of the price it might cost and the promise that the Iranian regime would collapse in a span of two years. In a message issued in 2006, he fixed January 2009 as the deadline for the collapse. In fact, when he was fixing the time, the Bush Administration had just entered the countdown to its last two years and Rajavi promised that if nothing happen at the end …

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MKO tactic of duplicity to stay in business

..No other Iranian opposition group has actively challenged the new NIE’s credibility. Following the organizational tendency of duplicity to escalate the tension whenever it grabs any opportunity, NCRI’s Washington spokesman, Alireza Jafarzadeh, claimed that Iran’s nuclear program is managed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp’s (IRGC) scientists during a Fox News interview. ..

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Again the Ultimate Solution

Following Iran’s immediate reacted, declaring it invalid and illegal, to the UN Security Council vote to impose restrictions on Tehran if its uranium enrichment program did not halted immediately, BBC Radio, Five Live, on December 24 arranged a phone interview with Ali Safavi, a member of MKO.

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An Alcatraz Named Ashraf

The Israeli sponsored Ynetnews, citing a report by NCRI web-site wherein it distorted an Iranian official’s statement, reports that in Iran”everyday 2,600 people are sent to prison; thus, in a year the figure grows to 1 million,”a figure described as an”unprecedented world record.”

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Actions that Contradict Claims

That is a good idea if a terrorist group has decided to renounce terrorism and dissolve military units. But MKO’s aired TV programs, especially following the court’s judgment, are in absolute contradiction with its claims. MKO’s TV network is repetitively broadcasting clips from its military operations, manoeuvres and marches in which women’s presence seems to have greater significance

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POAC Judgment and the alledged Renunciation of Terrorism by Mojahedin K

Even the accuracy of such remarks that “the PMOI has conducted no military activity of any kind since about August 2001” is dubious and questionable. Corroborated by Mojahedin’s own official communiqués published in the group’s official organ, Mojahed, MKO has certainly conducted terrorist operations inside Iran. Only one of these cases, the Ferdows operation, is referred to in the appeal as the “glorification” of terrorism. Existing evidences confirm that at least until 22 August 2002, MKO had been ceaselessly engaged in terrorist operations

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