blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Another Big Crowd of Advocates!

Cernig goes through a propaganda claim about how 300,000 Iraqis supposedly signed a petition complaining about alleged Iranian involvement in Iraq. The claim is strongly supported by a globally blacklisted terrorist organization, Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), aka MEK, PMOI, NCRI.

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Dubious Sources of Disinformation Campaign

..In his propaganda blitz, Petraeus resorts to information provided by notorious terrorist groups that have long been listed on the State department’s FTO. As the article points out, “Petraeus’s dubious sources include the ragtag Mujaheddin-e Khalq (MEK), a micro-terrorist group that used to be harbored by Saddam Hussein inside Iraq and now is protected by the Americans …

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The US Utilizing a Terrorist Group

“The United States sees itself as being somewhat exceptional in the international community,”Marandi said,”it allows itself to support terrorist organizations that have killed thousands of Iranians on the streets of Tehran and other major cities. The MKO spied for Saddam Hussein during the war. These terrorists were and are stationed in Iraq, in Europe and the United States.”

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Shahsavandi: MKO a gadget exploited by the West

Explaining on the disappearance of Massoud Rajavi and the underlying causes, he said that Rajavi had nothing more to present. He has already talked of whatever position and stances he is holding and has nothing more to add. The only fact he has to come and admit is that his past strategies have proved to be…

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Who Are True Believers in MKO?

In such a system you are either a critic, who is a traitor in their opinion, or a true believer as Hoffer explains. True believers are in fact those who set themselves on fire without question.Quoting Rajavi, Shahsavandi asserted that after the ideological revolution nothing could be included in the organization’s fixed bipolar thought

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Jordanian king to Give Asylum to MKO Leaders

Jordan has inexplicably decided to give the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) leaders asylum and permission to conduct political activities in the country. According to Tehrantimes, Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi, leaders of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation, together with a few other high ranking members, have been transferred to Jordan ..

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On the Anniversary of a Terrorist Operation

MKO’s resort to armed struggle was the beginning of a bloody chapter in Iranian history that contains numerous pages of violence and terror perpetrated by the terrorist organization. Following many scattered instances of terrorist operations resulting in the killing of many innocent civilians and Iranian ranks, the next second blow came in August 30, 1981.

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A Revolution Transforming MKO into Rajavi’s Cult

The details given by Shahsavandi well assert that the theatricalised ideological revolution was a plot for Rajavi’s hegemony that transformed a political group into a destructive cult of personality. The organization follows no logic in its relation with the insiders and the outsiders and the session 125 of the interview examines the group’s undemocratic practices with Rajavi …

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