blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Mojahedin Khalq Angry Backlash against a Report

Released by its official organ Mojahed, originally published in Persian, No. 257 dated August 24, the organization showed an angry backlash against recently released reports by Iraqi and Iranian media that ‘Interpol has issued arrest warrant for Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, and called it a falsified report.

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The Death of a Defector

For whatever reason, she had joined NCRI, alias MKO/MEK, and started a close cooperation with the group in the Europe. She announced her separation from the terrorist cult just in the last year and disclosed untold truths especially on Maryam Rajavi’s luxurious life in Auvers sur Oise. Her disclosures infuriated Mojahedin to such an extent that she had to suffer insults, threats..

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Can Criminals Condemn Executions?

the people who take part in these rallies might have never done anything wrong against their fellow citizens or violated anyone’s right dishonestly, but chanting on behalf of a globally proscribed group whose leaders have their hands dipped in the blood of many innocent Iranian is different.

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MKO Backlash against Al-Maliki’s Recent Remarks

Al-maliki’s remarks have annoyed the terrorist group to such an extent that it could not hold back its indignation. In an angry backlash against al- Maliki’s statement, released by NCRI site, the group slanderously condemned him and other Iraqi officials:There is hardly any doubt that Mr. Al-Maliki and other officials in his government are the main sources of the problems in Iraq as they endeavor to realize the sinister objectives of the Iranian regime…..

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The Emergence of a Second Al-Qaeda

Now, nearly after six years after the world has unanimously approved the decisive combat against terrorism and it is legally put into practice in many countries, certain terrorist groups, especially those on the world’s terror lists, are jeopardizing people’s security where the chaos is at zenith under the pretext of war against terrorism. Furthermore, not only we see no instances of a terrorist group being uprooted but we hear news of the new ones emerging.

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Rajavi’s message is a declare of war

It is impossible to develop a deep understanding of the group’s labyrinthine structure unless its philosophy of formation since four decades is well studied. Manifestations of conflicting ideas and Machiavellianism in its ideological infrastructure as well as manipulation of cult-like techniques to have control over the insiders and operatives enable MKO to exploit whatever existing potentiality and leverage in the West in general and France in particular

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Plans to dismantle terrorists’ alliances

The solution to the problem is a decisive decision to disintegrate the union of the old alliances especially in Diyala province, a task the Iraqi government is determined to accomplish with the cooperation of the province Council. Welcoming the plan to terminate the terrorist operations, al-Rabiee said:”Diyala’s Council has proposed a plan to remove terrorists from the province, which completes Baghdad’s security plan. People and tribes of the province have welcomed the plan that would begin from border areas

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MKO terrorists marketing themselves

While it should be a non-interventionist approach to keeping in good standing among nations and being as firm as is reasonably necessary, the neocon version of US-Middle East foreign policy has instead been the bullying and preemptively violent m.o. of a few enterprising mafia Dons pimping out the neighborhood for The Family.

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Sponsors of MKO’s June Extravaganza

In an attempt to use a leverage to force Nicolas Sarkozy’s government to halt the process of the June 17th dossier accusing it of terrorist allegations and also to remove its name from the French list of terror and, consequently, to unfreeze its assets in France, MKO staged an extravaganza in Nord Villepinte of Paris on 30 June. The organized rally was not an abrupt decision at all …

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A row and nothing more

The operations are controversial because they involve dealing with movements that resort to terrorist methods in pursuit of their grievances against the Iranian regime. The report further elucidates that a row has also broken out in Washington over whether to”unleash”the military wing of the Mojahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an Iraq-based Iranian opposition group with a long and bloody history of armed opposition …

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