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MKO, Political Refugee or Opposition Force?

MKO’s so-called political stance toward the Iraqi government, parliament, and constitution display tokens of interference in internal affairs of Iraq. To what extent these hostile and blasphemous attitudes are in broad violation of what MKO claim to be asylum rights activities according to international conventions is a matter of consideration.

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The Iraqi Dissident Dismisses Government’s Warning

…The statement admonishes those in contact with MKO that they are in violation of”National Safety Law”and therefore will be subject to punishment. The announcement was made as a result of the group’s suspicious collusion with dissident Iraqi groups and factions that has fostered the threat of terrorist …

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Exigency of Monitoring Mojahedin’s Moves

Such negligence is expected to be legally investigated in your government. Legally adopted countermeasures like that of freezing assets hardly seem to be productive against a terrorist cult that none of its financial sources is legal. Has the coalition forces’ control of MKO Camp Ashraf proved to have contributed to group’s ceasing suspicious terrorist moves and interfering in

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MKO crafty offer to parent Iraqi children

Besides being mistreated and abused for military purposes, children were exploited as fundraising tools in Western countries. That is the way the Mojahedin cult looks upon children. Now, at the time when the Iraqi government intends to expel MKO, its leader is playing another trick to hide the group’s terrorist intentions behind a humanitarian mask. Maryam Rajavi in her speech made on 30 June in a Paris rally surprised many people who are familiar with the group’s cult-like

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The Leadership Hegemony after the Ideological Revolution (2)

the possibility of deviation of democratic centralism was a taken for granted issue and the separation of members did not necessarily led to a state of passivity and the cease of struggle, rather the separated members were obliged to continue the line of struggle and to unmask the deviants. Taking the possibility into consideration, the process of fighting against deviation of democratic centralism was thus phased

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Iranian TV Documentary on Mojahedin Khalq

Last night, Iranian National TV aired a documentary on Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). The program called “The Wolves”, the first part of a serial, scrutinizes into MKO’s history following the Islamic revolution in Iran and its armed and terrorist activities since its declaration of armed struggle against the newly established Islamic government.

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The Leadership Hegemony after the Ideological Revolution (1)

the term ‘leadership’ in the context of ideological revolution would be defined and compared to the statements made by MKO’s ex-members concerning anti-democratic nature of Rajavi’s personal leadership and its role in the strategic failures of organization. As such, three relative topics will be discussed: leadership in MKO, leadership in ideological revolution, and the reasons of the ex-members’ opposition to hegemonic and ideological leadership of Rajavi.

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The Parliament Determined to Expel MKO

Reported by Voices of Iraq (VOI), the Iraqi parliament on Monday discussed the presence of the Iranian Mujahdeen Khalq organization (MKO) in Iraqi territories. Stated by Mohammad al-Samerae, a number of parliament’s members presented a request to bring MKO out of Iraq, describing it as a”terrorist organization”.

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MKO and Demagogic Propaganda

It is so easy a task to hire people to compose letters in the same way people are paid to chant slogans in MKO’s orchestrated protesting rallies in different European countries. The group’s earnestness to buy supporters are aimed to advance claims that the EU court of Justice has ruled that MKO listing must be annulled but the European Council of Ministers refuses to comply with the court’s ruling.

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MKO Suggests Coalition of Iraqi Dissidents

In a conference held in France that was orchestrated by MKO under the alias title of “Society for Peace Advancement”, Afshin Alavi, a member of NCRI, suggested that the only solution to restore peace in Iraq is “to establish a coalition of Iraqi groups formed around Ashraf City and the People’s Mojahedin of Iran”. He believes Camp Ashraf has the potentiality to be turned into a bastion of dissidents.

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