blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

The Terrorists’ Peace Conference in Ashraf

Reuters reported on Sunday that the Iraqi tribal leaders and local politicians and parliamentarians from the Iraqi province of Diyala attended a conference that was held in the Camp Ashraf, resided by MKO members and located north-west of the city of Baquba, and voiced their support for the presence of MKO in Iraq and stated that the organization contributed to the stability and security of the province. Nobody doubts that such conferences, masterminded and orchestrated by MKO

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A just ruling misinterpreted

Referring to the ruling of the European Court of Justice on December 12, 2006 he said:”I was present in the European Court of Justice last year when in February it deliberated the case of the PMOI. This court in December ruled that the name of the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran should be removed from the list of banned organisations”…

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MKO and the US presidential election

The US forthcoming presidential election has turned to feed MKO’s propaganda machine in its antagonizing position against Iranian regime. The group seems to be walking onto the front of the republican candidate Duncan Hunter because he is showing more hostile attitude toward Iran.

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The EU Determined to Keep MKO in the List

The Council has made up its mind a few months ago. A letter written by Christoph Heusgen, advisor to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Vice President of European Parliament Vidal-Quatras, states that there has been an unanimous agreement on this issue since last February. In February 2007, the Council reached an agreement that the reasons for the inclusion of Mojahedin in the list still apply.

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Unleash of Terrorists, the Perilous Disaster

After September 11th terrorist acts, EU countries coordinated their activities against terrorism and one of their decisions was to block bank accounts of those in the list. Decision on the inclusion in the terrorist list is made in “Clearing House” where representatives of security agencies meet. It then is discussed in the Conference of Ambassadors and eventually is passed in the EU Council of Ministers.

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Scott Ritter’s New Book, Target Iran

Ritter reveals that in order to advance their agenda against Iran, the Israelis have used intermediaries which include the Kurds loyal to Mustafa Barzani, the Mujahidin-e Khalq, and US neo-conservatives. Quoted in Reader-list Book Review concerning MKO’s intelligence collaboration with Israel we read:

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Exaggerated Numbers of Supporters Come up

The EU Council is determined to keep MKO on its terrorist list regardless of Mojahedin-run media advertising exaggerated numbers of European supporters calling its removal from the list. In one instance, Mojahedin claimed that in a petition, 30,000 Canadians demanded from their government ..

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The Decision Unfulfilled

…revealing that the White House, gearing up for invading Iraq, distributed a background paper listing the MEK as a pretext for a future war with Iraq. The paper provides evidences that Iraq is notoriously known to sponsor terrorism and is a bastion of terrorist groups including MEK. The paper’s first evidences are …

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MKO on the EU’s Terror List Next Week

Calling it a continuation of appeasement of Iranian regime, MKO condemned the decision taken by the EU and said: “In defiance of EU Court ruling, the EU Council intends to maintain the PMOI on the terror list”. The Council intends to designate MKO because the group has failed to provide any convincing document that would justify its deproscription. Although MKO claims it has forsworn terrorism since June 2001, there are countless evidences that the group was actively plotting and carrying out terrorist operations until 2003 when it was disarmed by the coalition forces in Iraq

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The Ideological Revolution, the Mojahedin Cult’s Devised System of Values

In MKO, similar to other cults, the partisans are under the influence that only those who adhere to the group’s ideology are on the right path. But to accept the cult’s proposed ideology, the insiders’ old system of beliefs has to be fragmented to be replaced with the revolutionary one. It is the prerequisite for the total obedience of the leader. Dennis Tourish expounding on the issue states that:

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