blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

The US and the Issue of Terrorism in Iraq

The US is well aware of the fact that MKO, long supported by Saddam and his accomplice in many crimes, surrendered its arms only when it was forced to and had no other choice. The group has been on the State Department’s list of Terrorist Organizations since it was first initiated in 1997. However, the group is under the US protection at a time when Iran is rebuked for helping the groups with no terrorist identity on the State Department.

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MKO’s Days in France Might Be Counted

Of the diplomatic controversies that have clouded French-Iranian relations, which Nicolas Sarkozy has on his political agenda to improve, was the issue of MKO. Darius Kadivar, a freelance journalist, in an article released in persianmirror makes a short reference to the issue and is of the opinion that the days of MKO in France may well be counted with Sarkozy who is anti-communist.

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The US and a Decision to Show Good-Will

there is a big question mark here. Among the many questions imposed by Iranian side concerning Iraq would be the US forces’ supporting of a terrorist group blacklisted by its own State Department. If the both countries are indeed concerned about the troubled situation in Iraq, first they should deal with the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq or the Mojahedin cult that has long threatened the security of certain Iraqi regions.

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Women Victimized in the Cult of Mojahedin

Seemingly an advocate of the cult of Mojahedin, Mr. Zucker seems to have been kept in dark about what happens to women inside the cult and how they have been deprived of their rights as well as being severely abused. A partial look at the cult’s present aired programs on the condition of women residing in Camp Ashraf well indicates that military uniforms, discipline and forced harsh tasks are routine female managed task inside the camp.

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MKO and the French presidential candidate

In her message of congratulation, Rajavi, certainly coming upon some senses of personal and political similarity, addressed her saying that “the participation of women in political leadership is a necessary condition for the establishment of democracy.

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The Talent of Opportunists

with the beginning of a recent meeting between Javier Solana and Ali Larijani in Ankara to further negotiation on the issue of Iran’s nuclear programs, the cultist Mohammad Mohaddessin, on behalf of MKO, grabs the chance to condemn the event. It is not because he is concerned about the regime’s nuclear threat; rather it is a precious opportunity to correlate an internationally concerned dispute …

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A New Definition of Democracy

..challenging the UK’s democracy for the just decision of keeping the proscribed MKO on the list means far beyond support for a terrorist cult. In his lexicon, democracy is defined as support for the terrorists and unleashing them into the society which explicitly challenges his country’s past practice of democracy.

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Human torches

for those yet in doubt, that MKO preserved the characteristics of both a terrorist group and a cult. Following the classic techniques of cults, Mojahedin relies on psychological manipulation and brainwashing to mesmerize the insiders to follow the orders. Singer and Lalich* define cults as organizations that feature”coordinated programs of coercive influence and behavioral control,”many religiously

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On MKO Terrorists’ Message of Condolence

It was so surprising to learn, as claimed by Mojahedin, that a man among the first leading specialists and scholars in the United States had risen in defense of a terrorist group blacklisted by the US State Department notwithstanding he had mentioned the group as the source of bringing the Iranian nuclear program to light.

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