blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

On MKO Terrorists’ Message of Condolence

It was so surprising to learn, as claimed by Mojahedin, that a man among the first leading specialists and scholars in the United States had risen in defense of a terrorist group blacklisted by the US State Department notwithstanding he had mentioned the group as the source of bringing the Iranian nuclear program to light.

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The Border Closed to Stop MKO

Although the closure of a major crossing point on the Iraq-Iran border is considered by some senior Kurdish figures as an attempt by the government to undermine the Iraqi-Kurdistan region, the Iraqi government insists that the closure of Munthiriya was a security measure to prevent the moves

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The US War of Terror

..America in its pursuit of global hegemony bears an eerie resemblance to the building of empires in the past. To expand its international dominance and imperialist ambitions, the White House and their neo-con cohorts by declaring ‘a war of terror’ pave the way so they may wipe out whoever stands in the way. ..

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The Collected Signatures in Support of Terrorism

they said nothing of their past when they were petitioning Dutch citizens and hardly were those signers aware of what they were signing. It was just an act of getting rid of the importunate petitioners in the same way they spared money to slough off the importunate beggars. Explaining about how they collected the signatures,

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Suspicious deal with the Terrorists

many years Mujahedin-e Khalq received direct assistance from Saddam Hussein. They are on the U.S. government’s official list of terrorist organizations, that is to say, it’s a serious crime for any American to deal with it. The US banks have a responsibility to freeze MEK assets and any member caught anywhere in the world will be arrested.

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Absurd Claim over Captured Britons

On the other hand, the Britons have confessed the illegal entry into Iran’s waters and thus, they would possibly be treated according to the international rules. Furthermore, a group of fifteen solders can never have so important effect on such a highly disputed international issue as Iran’s nuclear file

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The Cult of Mojahedin Is No Political Weight

.. MKO could never be considered as a potential political faction to steer Iran in its political career neither before nor after the Iranian revolution….All they did before the revolution was scanty terrorist operations against Shah’s agents and the American businessmen and military advisors inside Iran as well as a number of their estates. What they did after the revolution proved that they could never be trusted as a political weight to have any role in Iran’s ruling hierarchy.

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