blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

The Sellers of National Jubilant

The cult leaders are not ashamed of selling people’s delight for their organization’s interests since they have chained parts of people’s heart in their cult. How long more should Iranian families be waiting to see their beloved kept forcefully in the cult returned to them?

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Evidences Dismissing MKO’s Disclaim of Terrorism

At the time of the facts giving rise to the present dispute, it was composed of five separate organisations and an independent section, making up an armed branch operating inside . According to the applicant, however, it and all its members have expressly renounced all military activity since June 2001 and it no longer has an armed structure at the present time.

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Mojahedin Cult Displaying Tip of an Iceberg

Rarely the public knew about their malign past when their bullets and bombs perished many innocent Iranians and personalities in power struggle attempts. And the guardians of the Western societies, well aware of the group’s past but kipping silent for political causes, were certain they could leash the terrorists to keep them calm and under the surveillance in their country. But a fact had remained unnoticed;

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Maryam Rajavi treatening Council of European Union

Maryam Rajavi, in her video message speech addressed to the conference made clear threats that only those familiar with the group and its cult structure can get the hint. Calling the legally adopted decision an act of appeasing Iranian regime, she promulgates a glimpse of her cult’s potentiality saying: I remind those who insist on keeping the PMOI in the list that appeasement will have dire consequences. We are speaking about the lives of individuals.

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The US Breakneck Move on MKO Disinformation

The arrestment of Ammar al-Hakim, the son of Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, by the US troops on his return from Iran seems to be the outcome of another disinformation by MKO to American forces convincing enough, not heeding the consequences, to make them take a hasty decision. Being it a deliberate or non-deliberate move,

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For Whom the Terrorists Beg Mercy

following the arrestment of the members of a terrorist group that had terrorized the Iranian southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan killing a number of people, the blacklisted terrorist MKO, claiming to have renounced terrorist moves, has started appealing to international organization for the freedom of the arrested terrorists

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The Sit-ins Bolstering Cult Grip

What are these women and children really kept for in a lonely camp in the deserts of Iraq? If, as MKO claims, it has stopped its activities, why then it does not let these women and children decide for their future individually? Do they need people to organize a 200-day sit-in to help them? It seems that somebody somehow is hearing help cries piercing the walls of Ashraf.

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A Just Decision to Keep Terrorists on the List

it has”decided to provide the PMOI with a statement of reasons for keeping it on the EU’s ‘asset freeze list’ of persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts, and to give the PMOI one month to present its views, together with any supporting documentation”. Nothing is violated and the council has decided to comply with the judgment of the Court of First Instance.

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Iraqi politicians are working for Iran

Disclosing Mojahedin’s intelligence activities inside Iraq since the invasion of the US, she said:”For the past four years, the organization has been continuously publishing its information about thousands of Iranian agents in Iraq, and the operations that these agents have been carrying out. However, nobody paid attention to this information

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Open Letter to the European Union

Reported by Time on December 14 to confirm the EU’s stance on the ruling of the Court of First Instance, Jesus Carmona, spokesman for the European Union’s anti-terrorism authority, enunciated that”we’re going to comply with the court and publicly state the reasons for any group or individual on it”. For sure, the EU proscribed MKO on sound reasons, but we consider it our responsibility to give some details on the terrorist nature of MKO.

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