blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

The End of a Patron of Terrorists

At last on Saturday at dawn Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator, went to the gallows and they put the noose around his neck. Although he was hanged only for being sentenced for murdering 148 Shi’ite Muslims in the town of Dujail in 1982, yet at the time of his execution, he was being tried on charges of genocide perpetrated against the Iraqi Kurds in the 1980s

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The False Intelligence

Following the detention of the two Iranians, Maryam Rajavi, the head of the terrorist MKO, on Thursday had claimed that the two Iranians were senior members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and had coordinated attacks against coalition troops and Iraqi civilians. She cited the group’s intelligence officials as the source of the information.

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MKO still qualified to be on the list

Last month, the Canadian government reviewed the group and found that it still qualified to be on the list of terrorist organizations banned in Canada, said Philip McLinton, a spokesman from the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

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A Sham President Boycotting Elections

The elections being sham or anything else, it seems that the organization lacks a sound source of informers inside Iran as well as the exaggerated number of supporters. A slight look at the reports of many TV networks covering the occasion in Iran disproves MKO’s claim of”people have completely ignored the sham elections”. It does not mean that we approve whatever passes inside Iran,but we do believe that none of those who drew back to vote were responding to Maryam Rajavi’s boycott.

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To the Authorities in Charge of TIPF and MKO Refugees

We appreciate the humanitarian move as many of these defectors were shown a smooth outlet out of a hell of anguish and agony to a world wherein they could live as human beings. The last year’s publication of Human Rights Watch report entitled “No Exit” with details on human rights abuses inside MKO was only an iota of the group’s atrocities against the enslaved insiders.

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Disclosure of a Pure Fact

Shirvan Vaeli’s comment came after MKO had announced that they had formed”National Front for Saving Dyalah”. The national front the group referred to was, in fact, a novel alliance with Saddam loyalists and other insurgents that could not abide a free and democratic Iraq. Being well aware of MKO’s terrorist nature, Iraqis have no need to be informed of the group’s terrorist activities by the Iranian side and the group’s alliance with other uncompromising Iraqi groups. ..

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Victims of Human Rights Abuses

According to MKO’s TV, INTV, Lord Corbett of Castle Vale in an interview reiterated that 330 British MPs and 160 members of the House of Lords emphasized the political refugee status of MKO in Iraq. The interview came after his addressing participants in the sit-in outside the UNHCR headquarters which has been going on for just over 100 days since August.

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The new Campaign to save Ashraf residents

We are Family and Friends of Somayeh Mohammadi who are deeply concerned about her safety as she has been forcefully kept by Mojahedin-e Khalagh (MEK), Iranian guerrilla fighters in Iraq, for the past ten years. Somayeh is one of the many Canadian and American youth who were recruited to monthly camps when they were teenagers, only to be kept like hostages ..

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Mojahedin admits to past errors

The MKO’s electronic newsletter, Mojahed, in its issue 148, 8 November mostly covering the reports of Maryam Rajavi’s trip to Norway, dedicated its first three pages to the details of the trip and the warm welcome she received from the reporters on her arrival saying: “Multitudes of the papers and TV networks” reporters already awaited her arrival”.

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The Elections to Foster Hope of Overthrow

For nearly two decades, Mojahedin have continued to predict the Islamic Republic’s collapse. In all these years, unpredicted and unapproachable regional, domestic and international crises were said to have weakened the pillars of the Islamic rule to bring about its collapse. They had the least attention to people’s role and social factors in all these years. In 1995 presidential election for example, Mojahedin were shocked to see that Khatami’s victory swept all other major rivals ..

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