blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Mojahedin Khalq , a Tool for Political Games

has MKO any justifiable explanation for what it has explicitly stated and glorifying about machine-gunning American citizens and supporting the takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran? Unless it totally denies its gazette and the contents and makes another effort to attribute all to a different group! Although it is removed from the terror list and allowed some privileges to be utilized as another possible bullying force ..

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MKO’s position in the policies against Iran

Why has the US government, which denounces other governments’ involvement ‎with terrorism, been supporting MKO (Mojahedin Khalq Organization) and removed it from its ‎list of the designated FTO? How the US chooses to use the group’s violent and terroristic ‎capacity, especially when it still has a historical falling out with Washington ..

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Apparent Hypocrisy in War on Terror

As Edward Herman further explains: The most recent display of the terrorism double standard is the State Department’s September 2012 removal of the Iranian opposition group, the Mujahedin e-Khalq (MEK), from its list of designated terrorist organizations. The MEK worked earlier on behalf of Saddam Hussein and sometimes killed Americans, and reportedly has collaborated with the Israelis in assassinating Iranian scientists…

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The New Order in Renunciation of Terrorism

The sole move to recognize MKO a pro-democratic group that has never renounced terrorism is a decision made by the US for political considerations. MKO is a terrorist group with a forty-year long history of violence and the most vicious terrorist activities against Iranian people. There is no exact number of the victims of its atrocities but it is believed to reach thousands.

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When Will MKO Swing into Action?

A flashback to the decade-long campaign by Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK/PMOI to be removed from the global terrorist lists, and particularly after the controversial POAC’s judgment to be removed from the EU blacklist, had convinced many misinformed that the world was neglecting and depriving itself ….

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MKO, A Potential Global Threat

The State Department delisted MKO credited with a decade long inactivity in terrorism and also for peacefully leaving its paramilitary base, Camp Ashraf. But how can an innately violent and terrorist group, gone into a state of inactivity for many reasons, claim it has forsworn terrorism without a single alteration in its old principles it stresses to maintain?

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48 Years After Formation of MKO

This September, Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCR, NLA) commemorates 48th anniversary of its formation. Now on the list of designated terrorist organizations, there is no denying that it shares many characteristics and similar terrorist and violent tactics employed by any of the same groups and entities on the list. ..

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Terror In The Name Of Democracy: Terrorism Continues

Ayatollah Ali Qodussi and Asaddullah Lajevardi were other involved authorities that were targeted by MKO. Ayatollah Ali Qodussi, the attorney general, was leading an investigation into the explosion at prime minister’s office. Just 6 days after the explosion, on 5 September, an incendiary bomb blasted at his office that led to his death…

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Terror In The Name Of Democracy

No doubt, the perpetrators of such ruthless, violent plots fail to provide the slightest justification for proven terrorist acts that are tantamount to a declaration of war against a nation. The responsible group, Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCR), after tolerating ultimate failures in winning public trust in two preceding presidential and parliament elections, had already started inventing pretexts to declare its war. ..

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Terrorists Propagate by Doing Violence

The terrorist act, one of the most outrageous and blamable form of terrorism in the world history, was somehow endorsed by the West when they deliberately preferred to remain silent on the act that would trigger a global tension if it happened in a Western country. At the same time, none of the Western countries approved use of terrorism as a means of implacable determination to achieve undemocratic and ambitious ends.

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