blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

MKO’s Demands Addressed to The US Administration

Of course, she has been either assured of some promises or expects to see the already offered encouraging gesture of the State Department that considers cooperation in relocation as a key factor in determining whether the group remains on FTO list actually accomplished. That is what has made her bold enough to address the US Administration directly to impose demands ..

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On MKO’s Defiance to Relocate

And MKO/MEK/PMOI did not hesitate to wage a psychological war against the UN, UNAMI you just following the presented “roadmap”. A passing look into a variety of MKO-run and fed webpages discloses a blatant gesture of defiance against the international guideline which is blasted by numerous advocates who, by disregarding the ethics in words, act as the group’s mouthpiece. ..

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Who Breaks Deadlock over MKO Relocation?

All sides involved in the humanitarian issue of relocating the members of Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK/PMOI from their military base, Camp Ashraf, to a transit facility near Baghdad seem to have been locked in a protracted battle over the plan…

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An Attorney Serving as Advocate forTerrorists

..Dr. Gerson is walking in the same path with a designated terrorist group, Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK/NCR, and repeating its very same baseless claims. At least nobody expected him to slam a humanitarian guideline set by the United Nations so hard in favor of a terrorist group that is waging a psychological war against international institutions…

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Rajavi’s Final Phase of Battle

However, the real shock comes at the conclusion part of Mr. Vidal-Quadras’ statement when he stresses dismissal of the UN’s ambassador to end part of the existing problem in the stalemate: “ISJ would like to reemphasize the need for appointment of an objective and competent personal envoy by the Secretary General to Ashraf and Liberty so that ..

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MKO Still Glorifies Violence and Militarism

The operation on which MKO/MEK/PMOI had heavily invested turned to be a total military failure and a proven suicide operation that led nearly 1300 forces, according to the organization’s own report, to their sacrifice. In fact, MKO hurried to take advantage of a no-war no-peace situation created after the ceasefire in limbo,..

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Never-Ending Excuses of MKO in Iraq

Since the halt of relocation, MKO/MEK/PMOI has proved its unusual skill in inventing endless excuses. Except a few of them that the Iraqi government has already agreed their transfer to transit camp, other demands are not realistic since they are of no use in a temporary camp. For instance…

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MKO Is a Disgrace to the Media Warfare

Since conducting its antagonistic struggle under a pro-democratic disguise in European countries, MKO has heavily invested on the crucial role of the media to spread its play in the formation of public opinion and thought through talking in monologue. MKO has its own private media that broadcasts its own words..

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Ethics Coming to Matter for MKO!

To dig up truth about the terrorist cult of Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK, it is just anniversary of another bloody, flagrant terrorist perpetration. As disclosed in the US State Department’s Report in 1992, the group is unquestionably responsible for one of the most heinous terrorist operations in its armed warfare against Iranian regime…

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MKO, A Terrorism Problem to Be Confronted

Mojahedin Khalq Organization (aka. MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCRI, NLA, MISA), for instance, has been put on the list from its very initiating in 1997, has a four decade-long history of violence. In fact, from an ideological point of view, violence has been an innately distinguished feature of MKO from the beginning of its formation…

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