blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Dealing with Terrorism Conundrum in Iraq

Neither exiles nor refugees, MKO is the most unwelcome leftover of Saddam’s tyranny whose expulsion the Iraqi government deems to be tantamount to a strict counter terrorism measure in a violence afflicted country. Since the fall of Saddam, The Iraqi government has been busy hunting down the remnants of his regime, with whom MKO has been undeniably reported to have established close connection..

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Iraqi Delegation to Apprise MKO-led crisis

The Iraqi government is reportedly dispatching delegations to Europe to underline facts about MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI clear contravention of law and regulations. The delegation expected to have meetings with politicians and reporters in Geneva and Brussels includes deputies from Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Human Rights, police and security departments..

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Beware of Violence Provocation by Mojahedin Khalq

Obviously enough, except MKO/MEK/PMOI, the UN, Iraqi government and all concerned bodies will to find a peaceful solution to the problem. It has been, from the very beginning, the antagonist side and the main impediment to the process of relocation. While there are hundreds of insiders with special needs, suffering from disabilities and serious medical conditions..

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The Rights of Terrorists in the Rule of Law

It is not so bad a thing to hear a terrorist group renouncing terrorism and trying to prove its decisiveness. But it also has to prove that it respects the principles of human rights for the violation of which it has been repeatedly chastised. Majority of its members residing in two camps in Iraq, Camp Ashraf and Temporary Transit Location TTL, are living under the worst, sub human condition as it claims. The solution is easily provided..

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The Truth Behind MKO Disinformation Campaign

The group is preparing for another political event to hold in Paris on June 23 and is channeling all its propaganda apparatus into convincing supporters and sympathizers to have their share in the gathering. Of course, the advertisements need to be carried out by particular personalities at the behest of MKO/MEK/PMOI …

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Procrastination, the Fancied Chance of MKO

there is not plenty of time for MKO/MEK/PMOI and it is well aware of the fact that despite it is procrastinating, it will eventually have to actually submit to the transfer of the reminders. Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the group, in his message addressed to residents before the transfer of the third group, asked them to abide by the promises to be relocated to TTL…

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MKO’s New Row to Dodge Relocation

Gathered together in a conference organized by Global Initiative for Democracy (GID), another MKO-founded alias active under a pro-democratic cover, to voice their support for the group and to justify its refusal of relocation, some former officials seemed to be performing the role of partisans and lay figures more ardently than expected ..

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The Attempt to Befriend an Enemy

In the prolonged wrangle over the removal of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (a.k.a. MKO, MEK. PMOI, NCRI) between the group and its advocate on one side and the US State Department on the opposite, an attempt is made to prove that MKO has since long denounced terrorism and poses no threat …

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