blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

On the Question of MKO’s Surrender or Disarmament

For sure there is a great difference between surrendering, laying down arms or being forcibly disarmed. In the question of Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK, it claims to have surrendered its arms to American forces after the coalition forces invaded Iraq in 2003. But when the US officials, and in most cases pro-MKO Americans, refer to the issue of arms and Ashraf, they state that the group has been disarmed.

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The Shell of MKO Cracked Open

The escape of more than a score of MKO’s/MEK/PMOI members from its military base, Camp Ashraf, while being transferred to a temporary transit center near Baghdad has faced the group with another grave crisis among many other that have already challenged it. Even more overwhelming, majority of them are old, experienced veterans and ranking members of the group..

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France New President and MKO’s Expectations

An opportunist organization as Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK/PMOI mostly considers an expressed condolence or congratulation a productive investment it expects a return and usually expects better than what it has initially invested. Keeping silent in the course of the French presidential campaign…

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Relocation, A Humanitarian Concern or An Assets Dispute

the unnecessary interval of 19 days between the transfer of the fourth and the fifth group was mainly because of MKO’s providing of unreasonable impediments and invention of excuses. In its latest statement delivered a few days prior to transfer, MKO/MEK/PMOI offered new suggestions which clearly indicated that it was walking on a path of delaying the process of relocation and prolonging its stay at Ashraf. ..

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Ashraf Properties; Has MKO A Right to Claim?

The first backlashes of Mojahedin Khlaq Organization MKO against the Iraqi Government’s decision to close camp Ashraf and expel its residents from the country were a variety of violent behavior and threatening tone. The first practical approach was to provoke the Iraqi forces, not acquainted with the group’s self-destructive tactics, to show a violent reaction to the residents’ protests.That was enough for the group to run a propaganda atmosphere

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A Lobbyist or a Messenger to Mankind

I always wondered how the survivor of a human tragedy could be abused for the justification of another human tragedy just taking place before the eyes of the world. Just last year on April 27, Elie Wiesel, a survivor of Hitler’s death camp at Buchenwald, was invited to make a speech at a conference in Paris organized by Mojahedin Khalq ,MKO ..

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The EU, the discrepancy between words and actions

Beside its de-proscription, MKO/MEK/PMOI enjoys a big bulk of supporters and advocates among a variety of European institutions and parliaments. But the challenge it is facing at the moment, when it needs all these advantages more than any time, is that none of the EU country members have so far agreed to receive the expelled members of the group as the refugees on their soil.Their meaningful silence is an indication of ..

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Rajavi, A Loser Gambler

The process of transfer has continued more or less as a matter of routine and none of the group’s many made excuses and objections have been an impediment to it.Before the transfer, MKO/MEK/PMOI announced that “the mountains may move but Ashraf remains”. After the transfer they said “we did not intend to stay at Ashraf from the very beginning”.

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