blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Mojahedin. WS

Is the US Lobbying for the Settlement of MKO?

It is not exactly clear why certain MKO-run websites are making sorts of suppositions about an ongoing American lobbying for the transfer of MKO’s/MEK/PMOI terrorist elements to five friendly nations and allies of America in the Middle East, namely Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Azerbaijan, Qatar and Pakistan. Although not verified, these countries are claimed to have agreed to ..

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Open letter to judge Michael Mukasey

Believe it or not, it is odd and unconventional to place a group on the terror list simply for some individual members regardless of its political, ideological and struggle manifesto and infrastructures. According to your logic, then, none of the members of a terrorist group like al-Qaeda or MKO can be arrested and investigated for their membership. You cannot split members from an organization. It is under the influence and teachings of a violent organization ..

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The Contradictory Image of MKO

In the course of its forty seven years long life MKO has stubbornly dwelled on its strategically made mistakes, failures and dogmatism believing to have achieved huge successes, habitually making a mountain out of a molehill. And just at this time when the organization is facing its critical phase and condition of uncertainty, its leader in hideout, Massoud Rajavi, has begun to talk big and claims to be entering a phase of change and starting to ..

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Detach the Destiny of the Enslaved from Terrorists

Was it a thoughtful statement or for any untold reason, for outsiders Clinton’s remarks were somehow viewed as an indication that the US is close to removing the terrorist group from its blacklist. But inside the group, Mrs. Clinton’s words were grabbed at as an offer that led MKO under the delusion that now it had an upper hand for any bargain over the lives of the residing members at Ashraf. Maybe she was looking for a fast and peaceful solution ..

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The Vain Struggle to Keep Ashraf Open

The ground reasons for the closure of Camp Ashraf are more than enough to present. The Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, made it clear that the camp had to be closed simultaneous with the exit of the American forces from Iraq. America also left the decision for the group’s future to the Iraqi government. However, under outside pressures and to show its good-will for humanitarian reasons, the Iraqi Government agreed to extend..

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The Hired Recruits of a Terrorist Cult

The recent revelations concerning the speaking fees paid to the former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell as a supporter of a designated terrorist group MKO, only one of a group of senior former American officials and military commanders walking on the same line, are sad news to hear especially when you come to realize that these advocates have been a part of an administration that voiced a global war on terrorism.

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Women, the Scapegoats of Rajavi’s Cult

promoting women in leadership cadre of the organization is one of the tricks for intensifying the various aspects of this slavery. In the context of a modern slavery bastion, as MKO leaders acknowledge, the main role of MKO’s female rank and file is to be used as human shields for protecting leadership. The published expose and memories by the separated members indicate that the women in MKO have been abused as easy and accessible instruments..

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The Suffering Souls that Profit

According to released news by MKO’s/MEK/PMOI media, a member of the group, Nour Mohammad Biranvand, died of hepatic failure in the New Iraq Camp (Camp Ashraf). Confirming the report, an Iraqi Security source told AlIraqinews (AIN) that “The element died for heart failure.” The group claims that he was long suffering the disease and inaccessibility to specialist hospital and doctors was the cause of his death.

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Beware of another Cult Colony Formation

As the TTL is planned to be under full control of the Iraqi Government and UNHCR, absolutely in contrast to MKO’s complete control over Camp Ashraf, one of the options to safeguard the integrity of the cult is a quest for any location anywhere to transfer the members all together. Now you can well understand why Maryam Rajavi, the cult’s acting surrogate for her absent husband, appealed to Secretary Clinton…

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New demands of a terrorist group

Further, she demanded that the residents be relocated temporarily to a site near the Jordanian border instead of being located in Temporary Transit Location TTL. The camp she demanded for had been set up as a tent city to accommodate asylum seekers after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.On February 19, some 397 MKO/MEK/PMOI members were transferred from MKO’s paramilitary camp to a temporary location near Baghdad.

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