Former member of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), Reza Rajabzadeh left it after 23 years of membership behind the bars of the cult-like group… his old mother, who was so happy and eager to meet her beloved son, told Gilan office that the life of her son, his wife and two children was ruined by the Rajavis.
Hassan Sharqi returned his homeland following the release from the Cult of Rajavi (the MKO aka MEK/PMOI). After settlement in a hotel in Baghdad, Mr. Sharqi contacted his family. Consequently the calls with family, particularly his old mother made him determined to get back home by the help of the governments of Iran and Iraqi.
“The MEK may deny wanting violent regime change, but the only conceivable way it would become the next government in Tehran would be at the head of a US invasion force,” Jeremia Goulka suggests.The words of Maryam Rajavi addressing French deputies are helpful to testify how much the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders are mastered in their puffed-up propaganda campaign…
Dissident members to revenge the group leaders
MKO members set all documents and photos on fire before their departure