blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

6th convoy of Ashraf residents to move to TTL

On Tuesday after noon the buses arrived at the Camp, according to Nejat Society reporter. Earlier Nejat Society reported of the arrival of 28 trucks to move the camp’s air conditioners, refrigerators and other equipments.Families picketing in front of Camp Ashraf told of the company of 2 MKO/MEK/PMOI members with the trucks.

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Poor Judgment of Both MKO and its Advocates

Definitely the MKO is a foreign principal and those who run their cause in the US administration are foreign agents so FARA applies to them. But why such a disgrace seems so trivial to a foreign terrorist designated group’s supporters? Because of greed, cluelessness and poor judgment according to Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran analyst at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

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The democracy Rajavi believes in

To clarify the type of democracy the MKO speaks of an example of their so-called pro- democracy acts should be noticed: Prior to the June23 gathering, several former members of the group staged a rally voice their resentment at the terrorist activities of the MKO ..The defectors rally was confronted by a number of MKO members wielding knives, snap-off blade cutters, chains and baseball bats..

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June23, Where are Iranians?

Days before the event they publicized for the rally spending huge amounts of money to bring rented crowds to Paris. A week after the event held you can find on the group’s websites very few photos and highly edited videos of the gathering. You may see the 1300 buses the MKO propaganda claimed of but you never see who got off the buses, Iranian exiles or hired Arabs and black Africans.

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